A song leaves her lips as the mermaid lounges on a rock. Her purple eyes stare up at the cliffs above her. She brushes her long black hair back as salty water sprays over her with each wave. Her purplish red fin slaps the rock. Above on the cliff, a young man leans over. He…
Tag: mermaids

Magical Photos by Nycole
Update on the photo magic Since the last time I wrote about the amazing photo edits done by Nycole Evans, I have joined her VIP group. I love the VIP group because we get to pick a free edit for that month, and she has so many choices. I have also purchased quite a few…

The Legendary Silkie Irish Whiskey
Whiskey Review Like I have said in another whiskey review, I am NO expert. But I know what I like and what I don’t like. And THIS whiskey is definitely one of my favorites after Writer’s Tears and Hell-Cat Maggie. It is a lighter whiskey that tickles the nose with the almost sweet smells and…

Daily Writing- January 23, 2022
Writing Exercise For this exercise, write an original fairy tale based on a natural phenomenon you see every day. I used waves. My Writing A young girl sits by the ocean, watching the waves as they splashed on the sand a few inches from her bare feet. Her brown boots sit beside her, almost forgotten…

Lake Arcadia
Written by Blake R. Wolfe Book Review When I first saw this book being advertised on Twitter, I jumped at it, buying the Ebook so that I can read it. The author, Blake R. Wolfe, sat down with an idea and this book exploded! I read the back of the book and rubbed my hands…