Bells ring over the door of a diner and people rush inside. Some crying because their skin is melting off from the rain. Others are doing their best to wipe away the water before it harms them more. Sally looks around and finds two of her friends, Carrie and Kelly. But Susan and Chelsea are…
Tag: mountains

The small town of Honeydew Falls sits snuggled in the mountains of Tennessee. The town square is bustling as everyone gets ready for a fall festival. The sky’s bright blue shines vibrant in the early morning sun. The birds sing, the dogs bark, and the town square is all a buzz. A group of cabins…

Twitch Streamer Series- Part 71
Finding more of those amazing horror content streamers has made my heart happy and I am here to share with you another amazing streamer. He and his community are also very welcoming, which I am so glad of because they will take good care of you if you are new to their stream and new…