Flash Fiction The sun smiled down on the city goers. People walked this way and that as they headed for home. Sharp gold eyes watched the people from a park bench. The city melted into the park then melted back into the city. The man who owned the gold eyes chewed on a toothpick. He…
Tag: murder mystery

Devil’s Food Cake Murder
Book Review I have always loved reading these cozy murder mysteries by Joanne Fluke. And I have read several over the past few years. I need to keep track of those I have read and haven’t read so I can read them all. The way she writes, it just sucks you into the story right…

The Haunting of Whitecrest Estate
Written by Hazel Holmes A Book Review I love a great story, one that has hauntings, scary spooky ghosts, and a backstory that shows why a place becomes haunted. I found this book while checking out a website that shows great kindle books for free or that are on sale and I am very glad…

Unsolicited Murder
Chapter 9 Kyle works on the files the next day while Adam does a little snooping on the stranger that seems to have a fascination with Sarah. Adam takes to the field, driving over to the first hotel to speak with the manager in private so that he can see the facial of the man…

Unsolicited Murder
Chapter 8 Sarah brings Adam and Kyle a soda while they comb through the files, both men thanking her, setting their drinks down on the kitchen table as they read the files again. Eric is skimming though Carin’s files while Kyle took on Moose’s files and Adam reads Timerson’s files, all coming up empty-handed with…