Chapter 3 Steven hides behind one crypt, breathing hard since he was running only a few minutes before. He peeks around the corner, his eyes darting this way and that. Nothing moves. But he knows he saw something. Steven had been inside his sixth crypt when he heard someone walking around outside. No one should…
Tag: night
The Legend of the Blue Eyes
Book Review I just finished this book yesterday and I have to say that it did take me a month to read it but it was the best month ever. I had to steal away time to read and I am glad that I did. This book was NOT what I expected at all. From…
Deadly Moon
Writing Prompt It’s 3am when an official phone alert wakes you up. It says, “Do not look at the moon.” You have hundreds of notifications online and on messenger from random numbers saying, “It’s a beautiful night tonight. Go look outside.” Short Story Chapter 1 I sit down with my laptop bag and caramel Frappuccino…
Catastrophic Revenge
A Short Story Idea given to me by Yvonne Hoffman, friend, and fellow DisneyNerd on Facebook. Idea- Female cat that is a murdered woman reincarnated. She is adopted by her murderer and now she wants revenge. Chapter 1 ‘Maybe I should have listened to my friends,’ Torrance thinks to herself as she quickens her steps…