Obituary from my character’s enemy in a demon only newspaper On January 23rd, Scout Jensen will be buried by her family and friends. She was a 16 year old who went to Azriel high, training to become a demon hunter. We plan to have our own party on that day to celebrate her death. Bring…
Tag: prompt book

Daily Writing- January 4, 2022- Part 2
Side Note Here is the same scene from earlier only in second person My writing You sit on a bench, staring at the pond while fish lazily swim just under the surface. You hold a book in your hand you have been trying to read for the past several minutes, but you can’t concentrate. You…

The Black Rose- Part 2
Jeffery flipped on the light at the bottom of the stairs so he could see the cellar and wine bottles around him. Once his eyes adjusted to the murky yellow light, he headed down aisle after aisle full of nothing but bottles of red wine. He headed to the back of the cellar where they…

Writing Prompts and Story Ideas
540 Prompts in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery and Thriller, Horror and Suspense, and Memoir Writing Book Review This one is definitely one of my favorites favorites. It has a lot of great ideas and prompts within its pages. And it isn’t just for one genre. I mean they even have a section for writing memoirs. I…

Horror Writing
33 Simple Prompts For Creative Writers Book Review I am on a roll with all of these horror prompt books. I have looked at the prompts and read a few but I have yet to write anything using them. The prompts look interesting enough to use though so I look forward to writing a short…