Writing Exercise Write a short story where your character is trapped over night somewhere they shouldn’t be. Side Note I will be using Scout, Jennifer, and Katlyn for this exercise. Teenagers getting into trouble and having fun doing it. Place Locked In Toy Factory My Story Scout yawned as she toured a toy factory with…
Tag: prompts

Daily Writing- February 15, 2022
Writing Exercise Think about the pet or pets you have owned. Create a character around one or all if you’d like. Describe that new character and give them a backstory. Side Note I have had hamsters, guinea pigs, and dogs while growing up. When I moved out of my parents house to be with my…

Daily Exercise- February 9, 2022
Writing Exercise Look at the last FIVE web searches and create a short story based around these web searches. Side Note I am using new characters for this exercise. I hope that The Frustrated Gamer will be okay with me using him in my short story/blog. I will actually tell him on his newest video…

Daily Writing- February 5, 2022
Writing Exercise Write 10 questions and answers between your protagonist and your antagonist. Side Note The questions and answers are between Scout, my protagonist teen, and an Ashmoday, my demon antagonist. I will write S for Scout and A for Ashmoday since I never gave him a name yet. Or I may have just don’t…

Daily Writing- February 4, 2022
Writing Exercise Think of our character and write their dream home. You can also put together visual boards of their dream house. Side Note For this exercise, I will use Scout. She may just be a teenager, but even teenagers sometimes dream about their future house and what they want. I did. I also didn’t…