October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 5th- Getting Dressed Up Chapter 1 “I hate all of these,” Nick complained as he eyed the costumes. Rick shrugged and picked a mummy costume, staring at it. “I guess I can go old school mummy.” He shrugged and walked off to find makeup to make himself…
Tag: scared

Bang Bang Bang
Dedicated to Jacob Ballou Part 4 Their dad leans back against the door, pushing it closed. Bang… bang… bang… The wood starts to splinter above his head. He looks at his family. “Get out! Climb out of the window.” Their mom rushes Simon and Aaron over to the window. She throws back the curtains and…

Tap Tap Tap
Dedicated to Jacob Ballou Part 3 Aaron scramble away from the window. The grungy yellow eyes follow him as the curtains close. He can hear the thing tapping on his window again. Tap… tap… tap… “MOM!” Aaron throws open the door. “DAD!” He runs into Simon’s bedroom. Simon sits up, rubbing his eyes. “Aaron? What’s…

Tap Tap Tap
Dedicated to Jacob Ballou Part 2 Aaron lays in bed, listening. Tap… tap… tap… He sits up in bed, his wide eyes staring around the room. He can’t tell if the tapping is inside his room or outside. A shadow crosses over his window. Aaron sucks in his breath when he watches the shadow cross…

Tap Tap Tap
Dedicated to Jacob Ballou Part 1 Aaron sits in front of the TV, eyes wide, and mouth slack. On the screen, a slow-moving mummy groans and hunts the two archeologists who has disturbed his sleep. Aaron flinches when the lady screams as she faces the mummy. His mom walks into the living room carrying a…