Character opposite of me Female who stands at 5’7″, perfect body, crystal blue eyes, perfect but not too think wavy dark brown hair, and no learning disability. She is an extrovert, makes friends easily, and keeps friends easily. She can trust others but she is a bit rude and bossy. She has been in fights…
Tag: writing romance

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 6
Sixth Scene- Surprise Durwin scrolled through this FriendFest feed. He hadn’t been on in a while so he decided it was time to check up on some people he hadn’t heard from a while. He glanced up when the waitress placed a glass of water and a cup of hot coffee in front of him….

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 5
Fifth Scene- Saddness The flowers wilted over time, but Durwin couldn’t bring himself to throw them away. He sad on his couch and stared at the TV with the sound off, not really seeing the characters dancing happily. In one hand, he held a Dr. Pepper while in the other hand he held the TV…

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 4
Fourth Scene- Happiness Durwin walked into the new bookstore, taking in a deep breath. He loved the smell of old and new books. He didn’t know what book he wanted, but he knew that after a long day at work, this was what he needed. The little bell above the door announced his arrival throughout…

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 3
Third Scene- Fear Durwin’s marble gray eyes stared at the newspaper. He read the story about the family’s murder again, flinching at each detail he read. The family was renting a house only a few doors down from him. Durwin ran his fingers over his buzzed head and closed his eyes. The family was a…