“David, bring me the map, would ye?” Archie said as he looked down at his map of Crescent Rim Galaxy. “Aye, Captain,” a low voiced short man with a bald head said and joined Archie at the digital map table, a small ball in his stubby fingered hand. “Here ye go, Cap’n.” Archie took the…

Sirens of the Deep- Chapter 1
Challenge from AutoCrit I decided to sign up to try my hand at a challenge before AutoCrit and had so much fun I signed up for another one. But this one is different as the people of AutoCrit gives you the first sentence, a twist, and then the last sentence that you have to incorporate…

Tom and the Hedgewitch
Book Review I was given the chance to read an adventurous book by the sweet author C. A. Lewis. It felt like it took me ages to read the whole thing but I was able to finish it and I have to say wow! This book may be geared for children, but I think even…

Mousse and Mayhem
Book Review I decided to jump into something new for myself and signed up to be an ARC reader for a cozy mystery author, Sue Hollowell. I am very excited to be an ARC reader and for my first book, I was given her 11th book in her Cozy Culinary Mystery series. I definitely have…

Book Review I was working recently with an amazing editor, Holly Hill Mangin, on my own book when she let it slide that she also wrote books. And she told me that she self-published a few books. Well of course being a love of horror and her being a horror writer/editor, I downloaded her book…