Roll-A-Prompt Writing Journal- Horror Edition By: Melissa Banczak and Lisa Mahoney Character: 2. Sommelier (wine steward- works at fine dining restaurants and helps people choose what wine to drink with their meal.) Object: 5. Black Rose Scenario: Buzzing insects disturb a pleasant Sunday morning My Short Story Jeffery stared out the window at the back…

Winter Jack
Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Cider OMG! I just saw this on a whim last year around Christmas time and decided to buy it for us to try. Well, it has been a year and we finally cracked it open. This isn’t your typical apple cider either. Jack Daniel’s took apple cider liqueur and blended it with…

1850 Folgers Coffee- Trailblazer
Coffee Review I know a lot of people don’t like Folgers. But I am not one of them. I really love Folgers 1850 coffees. And I mean all of them, too. From the lightest roast to the darkest roast. Trailblazer is a medium to dark roast and it was really good when we had it…

Writing Prompts and Story Ideas
540 Prompts in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery and Thriller, Horror and Suspense, and Memoir Writing Book Review This one is definitely one of my favorites favorites. It has a lot of great ideas and prompts within its pages. And it isn’t just for one genre. I mean they even have a section for writing memoirs. I…

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey Coffee
Coffee Review I tried, I really did try my hardest to like this one. But I did not like the taste at all. My husband likes Jack Daniels Whiskey so when he saw the coffee, he had to buy a can. And I enjoy Jack Daniel’s Whiskey, too. It comes in a rather small can…