Book Review This amazing book was written by Katie Petruzziello, a mother who has three incredible children, two girls and one boy, and a loving husband. She wrote about young Mila who is a middle child who wants to show her parents just how big she is by doing everything herself. She wants to be…
Tag: help

What is Happening this November
I have been informed that November is a important month. Yes it is Fall, and in the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving and rush into the Holiday season. But that isn’t the reason why November important. November happens to have a day called World Diabetes Day on November 14. The focus of this day is…

Twitch Streamers Series- Part 84
This next streamer I met while chatting in another streamer’s chat. He is super nice, and we clicked really well. He began to stream himself after a few others, including myself, told him maybe he should give it a shot. And I am glad he is streaming because he chats about mental health, something that…

A Letter to Claudia- Book Review
Written by Barbara Avon I had asked several times since the book Barbara had written Q.W.E.R.T.Y. was such a brilliant book, but to me it felt unfinished or that there needed to be another chapter in order to finish it. The character, Luke, needed another chance at saving the love of his life and I…

Stepping Into the World of Blogging
Proud of my husband and the start of his new journey My husband has decided that it is time to start his own blog and I couldn’t be happier. I always knew that writing and creating things is a great way to heal and to make yourself feel better. And now my husband, Ryan Gordon,…