Writing Exercise Pick and write down 4 adjectives, 3 nouns, 2 verbs, and 1 adverb. Now based on those 10 words write a short story. Words I picked 4 Adjectives- Hidden, Dangerous, Enchanted, Loyal 3 Nouns- Cat, Castle, Ocean 2 Verbs- Listen, Trotting 1 Adverb- Mysteriously My Story A young black cat trotted to a…
Tag: short story

Daily Writing- March 7, 2022
Writing Exercise Think about the days of the week and how you feel about the days. Now give them goals, personality, and physical appearance. Days of the Week as People Monday– Female in her late 20s, wears suits and heels. She wants to please everyone at work because that is how she is. She has…

Daily Writing- March 6, 2022
Writing Exercise Pick one of your characters and have them change. This change would be in response to something that happened to them or someone they know. Side Note This exercise was one I had to really think about. I will be using Scout. Scout’s Changes Scout is a teenage demon hunter who has the…

Daily Writing- March 5, 2022
Writing Exercise Set your timer for 1 minute and write a list of places that are within 500 miles of you. Write a road trip short story. Side Note I will be using places in Tennessee for this exercise since O now live here. I will also be using Scout and her parents for this…

Daily Writing- March 4, 2022
Writing Exercise Turn your work in progress into a jukebox musical. A jukebox musical is a musical that features hit songs of popular music genres. Answer the questions given. Side Note I do enjoy musicals from time to time, though not many jukebox musicals, but I am not sure about making Secret School (or Azriel…