Fifth Scene- Saddness The flowers wilted over time, but Durwin couldn’t bring himself to throw them away. He sad on his couch and stared at the TV with the sound off, not really seeing the characters dancing happily. In one hand, he held a Dr. Pepper while in the other hand he held the TV…
Tag: short story

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 4
Fourth Scene- Happiness Durwin walked into the new bookstore, taking in a deep breath. He loved the smell of old and new books. He didn’t know what book he wanted, but he knew that after a long day at work, this was what he needed. The little bell above the door announced his arrival throughout…

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 3
Third Scene- Fear Durwin’s marble gray eyes stared at the newspaper. He read the story about the family’s murder again, flinching at each detail he read. The family was renting a house only a few doors down from him. Durwin ran his fingers over his buzzed head and closed his eyes. The family was a…

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022- Part 2
Second Scene- Disgust Durwin sat at the park, enjoying an ice cream. He watched as the children at the playground ran around laughing. He smiled and took a lick of his chocolate ice cream. Durwin shivered a little and balanced his ice cream up on his knees. He grabbed his black beanie that rested on…

Daily Writing- February 20, 2022
Writing Exercise Write a scene for your character based of 6 emotions provided. Side Note I will be writing a new character for this exercise and will write a new scene for each emotion. I will also be posting new scenes in separate blogs. Emotions Anger Disgust Fear Happiness Sadness Surprise New Character Durwin, Male,…