Writing Prompt # 72 Chapter 3 “Phew so glad that my workday is over,” Glenda tells Jazz as she eats a fry smothered in nacho cheese sauce. “Today was rough, even more than last Saturday or even any day the past week when I worked after school.” Jazz laughs eating her own french dry dripping…

Which Witch? – Chapter 2
Writing Prompt # 72 Chapter 2 At the mall early Saturday morning, Glenda yawns as she heads inside to open the coffee shop where she has worked for the past 2 years. Unlocking the gate that closes it off from the rest of the mall and lifts it up enough for her to walk under….

Which Witch? – Chapter 1
5,000 Writing Prompts Book Written by- Bryn Donovan 150 Fantasy Prompts- Prompt # 72- The good witch had been under the impression that it was a good spell. Warning: Does get a bit gory so if you do not like that sort of thing, do not read. Thank you! My Story Chapter 1 Glenda taps…

The Painting
5,000 Writing Prompts Written by Bryn Donovan 150 Horror Writing Prompt- Prompt # 95- The Painting looked different the last time she viewed it. Warning: This story does become graphic and gory. If you are not into that sort of thing, please do not read or read knowing that I have warned you! My Story…

Coffee Shop
5000 Writing Prompts by Bryn Donovan 150 Romance Prompts- Prompt # 104- They meet at a coffee shop when they’ve both been stood up by their online dates. Warning: I am not much of a romance writer but I am trying my hands at these writing prompts and others in genres I don’t normally write…