Written by Blake R. Wolfe Book Review When I first saw this book being advertised on Twitter, I jumped at it, buying the Ebook so that I can read it. The author, Blake R. Wolfe, sat down with an idea and this book exploded! I read the back of the book and rubbed my hands…
Tag: book

5,000 Writing Prompts
A Master List of Plot Ideas, Creative Exercises, and More Written by Bryn Donovan Book Review I stumbled upon this book while on Amazon by chance. I actually wasn’t looking for writing prompt books at the time but here it was sitting in front of me on my phone screen. But 5,000 prompts? How can…

300 Horror Writing Prompts
By Julie Wenzel Book Review Horror- one of my favorite genres to read, watch, and of course to write. So when I decided to look up writing prompt books on Amazon, I had to get one for horror. I don’t have problems coming up with ideas for my stories but I do like to take…

101 Paranormal Writing Prompts
Volume 1 & Volume 2 Written by J. Dodson I love writing prompts so I went on a search for some writing prompt books in the genres that I love to write such as fantasy, paranormal, mystery, horror, YA….and I stumbled on these two books by J. Dodson on Amazon. I decided to take a…

Tell Me Every Lie
Book Review I haven’t read an adult book in so long I was afraid that I never would. I have two little girls who love for me to read to them so I still read a lot like I used to, except that it is all children’s books. But while on Twitter, I have met…