Interview with someone who knows a person with diabetes I decided to change things up and post an interview that I had with a friend who knows and loves someone who has diabetes. It’s a struggle for both of them but their love pushes them through the tough times. Friendship and love are two key…

Diabetes Interview
Living with Diabetes I am back after doing other blogs to continue my interviews. These are a continuation of interviewing friends and family who live with diabetes. This interview is with a young woman, a friend of mine, who lives with the disease. Thank you for coming back to read and I hope that you…

366 Daily Writing Exercises
Book Review I love writing and I do my best to write every day. While looking on Amazon, I ran across the book 366 Daily Writing Exercises by Christina Escamilla. I decided that I would like to give it a try and challenge myself to write and post a blog of my writing every day….

Welcome 2022
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Years I wanted to reach out to my readers and wish you all a wonderful New year. I hope that 2022 brings the end of Covid once and for all. I also hope that this new year brings you all laughter, health, family memories, new memories in…

The Black Rose- Part 2
Jeffery flipped on the light at the bottom of the stairs so he could see the cellar and wine bottles around him. Once his eyes adjusted to the murky yellow light, he headed down aisle after aisle full of nothing but bottles of red wine. He headed to the back of the cellar where they…