Written by Christine Gael Like I have said several times, I am a sucker for a typewriter on the cover of a book tied to a good paranormal story. I ran across this one while cruising through the books on my Amazon Kindle on my phone and this cover and title drew me in. I…
Tag: book review

Hagen’s Curse- Book Review
Written by James Emmi At the beginning of this crazy year, I told myself that I would read at least 3 adult books; meaning books without pictures or targeted for children as the past few years it has been none stop kid books. I have surpassed this goal and I am so proud that this…

Erotic Mythology Volume 1- Book Review
Written by James Fuller This is actually my very first book read by not only the author but in the genre of Erotica. I have dabbled in writing it for my husband and a couple of friends only but I have never really read any. I have read a couple of Romance books that sat…

Most Likely To Die- A Book Review
Written by P. J. Stanley Yep, P.J. is at it again and has published a new book that I had to buy since I had loved his first book, Tell Me Every Lie, which I have also blogged about. And this book caught my attention not just because it is from P.J. but because it…

The Infected Manuscript- A Book Review
Written by Julie Wenzel I have bought a few prompt books written by Julie Wenzel and I thought to myself, I need to actually read something written by her. I LOVE the prompt books I have bought and have posted quite a few of my own stories based on her prompts but I wanted a…