Let me introduce you to a newer streamer that I have just met a days thanks to a viewer out to help me grab the attention of streamers for my blog. I am grateful for that friend and for these streamers who have agreed to help me out with my blog. I hope I’ll get to catch his stream soon. It’s not fun with the whole time difference and trying to find time to show support by being in their streams but it’s well worth it.
1. What is your twitch name? Captain_Madmut (Former Madmut_Reloaded)
2. Is there a reason why you chose that name?
I have had the name madmut stuck with me since I was back in my teenage years, like many teens someone gets the whole maddog thing and I recall having a maddog email account. When this was discovered by one of my friends, they commented how I’m more of a mut hence madmut was born. I owned the original madmut gamertag on the Xbox, the first one before the one and the 360. That account I lost when I moved to 360 as we couldn’t remember the login or the card used to set it up so I came back with reloaded, this has recently changed due to a few issues I have had with people and I decided on a fresh start. With all the pirate games I try to play on stream, I decided for a laugh to put captain madmut and it stuck. I created the new twitch account and have been on the go with the new account just over a week now.
3. Why did you become a Twitch Streamer?
I started streaming when I discovered someone streaming direct to the Xbox when looking at a game the game was GTAv. I have seen the interaction and the social aspect of streaming and basically thought it’s worth a go as I have not been one to go out drinking or to clubs so I meet like-minded people online.
4. Why did you become a streamer for Twitch instead of going with another gaming website?
At the time, twitch was all I knew. It was back when twitch was huge on the Xbox and it started popping up a lot more. I have stuck with twitch as I like the platform better than the others I have seen.
5. How long have you been a streamer?
I originally started streaming 3 years ago. I have always been very casual and streamed when I could to anyone who would watch.
6. Do you only stream or do you have another job? And if you’re comfortable saying what, what is your other job?
I do work a full-time job, my job is as a site surveyor. I go around mapping out sites for companies all across the UK.
7. What are your favorite games to play?
I love simulators, it’s where I started streaming and is something just laid back.
8. What are your favorite games to stream?
I love to stream stuff that either gets people asking questions or having fun, drawing the social interaction out.
9. Do you have any games you’d like to recommend to my readers to play and why?
I would recommend people keep an eye out for sea of thieves that’s all I can really say as it’s under closed alpha still but will be worth the wait.
10. Was it hard to talk to your viewers when you first became a streamer? How long before you became at ease with streaming?
At first I had no mic, no cam. I streamed direct from the Xbox and watched and replied to chat on a tablet. After I got my mic, I was still quiet but this over time subsided, and whether you talk to viewers or yourself or just talk at the game, it draws attention from the viewers, this will keep them entertained and there, twitch is more about the entertainer than the gameplay.
11. Would you like to tell my readers anything else about yourself or your channel?
All I would like to say to anyone looking to become a part of streaming is remember, do it for you if it’s not fun the viewers will see you are bored. No matter the game you play or how well you play it, if you are having fun they will have fun. Only other thing is to make sure you hit up social media and keep asking viewers to as well set up a click to tweet link and all you have to do is post the link. The viewers hit the link, hit send, and it’s out there to twitter advertising you as a streamer. Social links can be one of your best friends whether new to streaming or a vet to it.
Want to see him at work on his stream? Please join him at twitch.tv/captain_madmut.