Author Interview

I have found another author to place before your eyes so you may get to know her and her writing. I have met her online by chance on Twitter some time ago and we have hit it off pretty good, I would say. So of course I had to ask her to do an interview with me. So glad she said yes. Are you ready to find out who Barbara Avon is?
1. What sparked your interest in writing?
I’ve always told myself stories in my head. Like many teenagers, I first delved into poetry that bordered on dark. After my grade 9 teacher gave me praise on a short story that earned me an A +, I knew that I would someday write a novel.
2. Has anyone in your life inspired you to write?
My parents have always encouraged me to work hard, and follow my dreams, but when Mr. Costanzo made me read my story out loud to the class, it spawned a life-long love affair with creative writing.
3. When did you decide to publish?
I wrote my first book in 2002 – back when I had no idea what to do with it. I wasn’t part of any social media, nor did I know about self-publishing. I tucked it away until 2015 when my husband encouraged me to publish it. I still didn’t know I could publish through Amazon, so I lost a lot of money printing my first three books at a printing house. I marketed them and sold the paperbacks myself to people in my community who followed the Facebook page I started.
4. Are you an Indie Author or Traditional Author? Why did you choose the path you did?
I’m happily self-published. As an Indie Author, I retain full creative control and publish on my own schedule. There’s no better feeling. I can honestly say that I have no desire to query. I suppose I chose this path because of my stubbornness! I see writing as art and as the artist, I want my name on my vision.
5. What is your first published book?
My first published book is called “My Love is Deep” about a man in his 50s who receives a letter from his first love. She invites him to meet him after nearly twenty years apart. That book spawned three more in the “Peter Travis Love Stories” collection.
6. Are you happy with how your books are coming out? Would you change anything?
I wouldn’t change a thing! I’m proud of everything I publish, and if I’m not, I don’t publish it!
7. Will you continue to publish books for many years to come?
Yes! As long as my fingers work, and my mind is sharp, I’ll write until I’m old and grey.
8. What genres inspire you to write?
I’m multi-genre and I love it. I thought that I would stick with romantic suspense (My Love is Deep), but I have too many stories to tell. I love dark and macabre. I also really enjoy writing time travel. That question mark that hangs in the air, “What if I could manipulate time?”– it’s fascinating. Many people prefer a happy ending, but I think there’s something beautifully haunting in stories that explore the dark side of things. Because I’m multi-genre, however, I do write stories with a “Happily Ever After”. There’s something for everyone!
9. What is your favorite genre to write? What is your least favorite genre to write?
I touched upon this above, but paranormal romance, time travel (fantasy), and horror are my favourites. I don’t have a least favourite, per se. If I’m not enjoying myself, I won’t write it. An author must always love their story, otherwise, how can they expect anyone else to love it?
10. What challenges have you faced publishing?
I think the biggest challenge has been marketing myself and my books. I’m just one author in a sea of many and “getting seen” is the biggest challenge. The good news, though, is that it isn’t impossible! It just takes a lot of work and dedication.
11. What challenges have you faced in writing?
This is a tough question because it feels like I need to answer with something, but the answer is, I haven’t faced any challenges when writing!
12. Where do your ideas for your books come from? Where do you keep those ideas?
I’m usually inspired by a word. That’s my process. I decide on the title first, create the cover second, and then write the story chronologically. The whole story revolves around the title. I can’t imagine starting to tell a tale and not know what the title is. Where do I keep those ideas? As soon as I come up with the title, I write the story. I don’t have a file folder of “ideas”. I just go with it!
13. Are you also a bookworm and does reading other works help inspire your own writing?
I was a voracious reader in my younger years, but lately, as an author, and as my own editor, publisher, and marketing strategist, time is something that I need more of so that I can curl up with a good book. I support my fellow authors by purchasing their books, but my “to be read” pile is huge! I think a writer can take inspiration from anything: a stormy day, the look on a child’s face, a gory movie, and yes, reading another book.
14. Do you have a website where we can follow you?
My website is However, I don’t blog on it. I do have a subscribers list, though. The sign up page is here Subscribers receive sneak peeks from upcoming books, exclusive first dibs on giveaways, and they even receive recipes since food is my second love.
15. What is the link for your books so others may look and possibly purchase them from?
This is my Amazon Central link where you can find all my books.
I have read a couple of her books already and have enjoyed both. I hope you will take the time to go and search for her books and perhaps read a few yourself. Glad I could interview Barbara. Thanks, Barbara for doing this for me and for those looking for mew authors to follow and to purchase books from.
Thank you very much for this opportunity!
Thank you so much again, Lacey!
Thank you, Barbara, for allowing me to do it. ❤