James Fuller Does It Again

James Fuller has slowly crept up into my favorite Indie author shelf and he has done it again with another great book. He gifted me with an Audible book of his called Broken Shards of a Masterpiece, and I am wanting more from this book. It is a wonderful collection of short horror stories that make the hair on the back of your neck stand.
And who brings these stories alive in this Audible book? An amazing man named Adam Shults, a man with many voices who brings James’s characters into our world even if just for a brief moment as they show us their stories. Each voice Adam provides for us, brings us further and further into the world that James wants us to see, a scary world that came from his astounding imagination.
As I had said before, these are only short stories that makes me wish that there are novel length books, of each one but this book has become a favorite. James and Adam make an amazing duo and I am so glad that I was able to listen to the magic in these pages. I am definitely thinking of buying myself a copy of it to add to my bookshelf so that I may enjoy holding the book in my hands and read along as Adam coons in my ear the words written by the hand of James.
I have two more audible books written by James to listen to and I can’t wait to listen to them whenever I can, being transported into another world with exciting characters letting me a part of their incredible stories. I cannot thank James Fuller enough for gifting me this book. I loved every single dripping horrific and mysterious morsel that you have provided in Broken Shards of a Masterpiece. I will definitely be listening to this book again to enjoy each written word spoken by Adam Shults.
Here is the link for this Audible. Listen to the sample and then buy yourself a copy of the Audible and even buy his book. Enjoy this as much as I have and leave a review once done to let James know just how much you have enjoyed every single short story placed within the cover for this book.