Do you or someone you love suffer from diabetes? Whether it is Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, or Gestational Diabetes? I know a few who have to deal with the complications of diabetes every day, including my dad. I won’t lie, I actually do not know a lot about this disease, just know that too much sugar or too little is a bad thing. I am determined to research this topic thoroughly. I hope that sharing my knowledge will help you as well as myself learn more about the different diabetes, how the body deals with it, and some habits that diabetics do to live their lives to the fullest. I will also introduce a product that may help change the way diabetics consume sugar.
An individual, Rudy Halimun, reached out to me on LinkedIn recently about a substitute for sugar that can help those with diabetes to control their sugar intake and possibly stop diabetes in its track. The product is called VIANA Stevia and, like I said, it is a sugar supplement so that you can ween yourself off of sugar in things like tea or coffee and use this product instead.

Rudy sent me the product so that I may try it for myself, and I am a huge sugar fiend, especially in my coffee. I am slowly weening myself off of granulated sugar and transitioning to this product. I will post a few pictures of the product so that you may see it as it comes in an interesting box and the way you open it is even more unique. Thankfully, there were instructions, or the box would have been shredded by the time I figured it out.

VIANA Stevia comes in a green box and contains small white sugar particles. To open it, you can find the instructions on the side of the box. And like I said, thank goodness for instructions because if there had been none, I would have cut into that box and messed it up. The box is travel friendly so that you can take it with you on your trips while keeping the VIANA Stevia is safe. To control flow of the product, there are three holes where the VIANA Stevia can be sprinkled out of into your tea or coffee, or whatever else sugar is added too.

Make sure that you put in just a little because if not, it won’t taste right. I did an experiment where I put too much of the product in my coffee and then just the right amount. The taste isn’t good if you put too much in but tasted a lot better when using the recommended amount. VIANA Stevia is a product that you need to slowly bring into your life, as it is stronger than other sugar substitutes I have tried. As it says on the box, this product is pure sugar substitute with no filter and no calories. So being used to the granulated sugar taste, this may be a shock to your taste buds at first. Hence, why I say to take it slow, but I am sure that your taste buds and your body will thank you for the switch.

Like I have mentioned, I will do more blogs based around diabetes, how it affects the human body, and how VIANA Stevia can help. I hope to talk and interview those with diabetes and those who have loved ones with diabetes as well as ask them what their thoughts are on sugar supplements vs. granulated sugars in their diets. I will also do a few giveaway blogs where you will get the chance to win yourself your own VIANA Stevia so that you may try it for yourself.
I hope you find this series helpful and that you will follow me as I post more about VIANA Stevia, my interviews, and giveaway blogs. If you or you know anyone who has diabetes and willing to do an interview with me, please contact me. I will also post a link on my blogs of where you can go to buy VIANA Stevia yourself. Let’s help change the world one day at a time by changing our sugar intake to something less harmful and battle the disease known as diabetes.

If you are interested in checking out more about this product and read up more on the company that has made this product, then please visit their website.
Nice review! I’ve been using Stevia in the Raw for many years to help cut back on sugar. One packet is all I need for a drink. You’re right, Stevia is very potent!
A lot of useful information as always, thank you and best regards!
It is very good that you can find more and more information on this topic on the Internet.