Book Review
I was gifted a book called Pixar Storytelling by Dean Movshovitz. I have never read anything by this author so I was intrigued when I saw it on Amazon. I, as you all know by now, am a writer so I enjoy reading books on writing, on different styles of writing, and anything writing. I may have my own way of writing and my own voice to write in but I love reading about how others go around in finding their voices.

I also love to read tips on how to improve my writing but keeping it with my writing style and voice. So when I saw a book that says on the cover “Rules for effective storytelling based on Pixar’s greatest films”, I won’t lie, I let out a little excited squeak.

I haven’t really been able to read much of the book yet but from what I have read, I cannot wait to finished reading this book. Dean, from again what I have read, has done a great job in explaining writing and Pixar films. It definitely makes me want to try my hand at writing children books in the way they do it with the Pixar films.

I really like the style in which Dean writes, which keeps me captivated in reading this book. I wish I could say I can read it in one sitting but as a mother of 2 daughters and having a job blogging and writing children books for a Japanese tutoring company, plus having moved to Tennessee back in April and still getting settles, I don’t have as much time to read as I used to. But I am giving myself more time to read so I want to finish this book soon.

If you are interested in reading this book, whether a seasoned writer, a new writer, or even if you aren’t a writer but interested in how they write Pixar stories, then the link is below to purchase this book on Amazon. Happy reading and happy writing.