Writing Exercise
Create a story based on two extremes, like coffee/no coffee or emotions like sadness/happiness.
My Writing
Cory sat at a table in a little cafe where he played excitedly with his napkin. He was waiting for Cici to join him on their first date. They had met at a club a week ago and had hit it off. After hearing his name, he looked to see his drink was ready. He got up and walked over to where his large caramel frap sat. He carried it back to his table and sat back down at the table by the window. Cory turned his misty gray eyes outside, where he spotted a couple as they strolled by. They were deep in conversation, staring lovingly into each other eyes, and held hands.
Cory hoped that that would be Cici and him after they got to know each other better. He checked his watch, since he had arrived at the cafe ten minutes early, and saw it was now five minutes past the time they had agreed to meet. Cory shook it off, knowing that some women took longer to get ready. Plus, he was sure Cici was just nervous.
Cory sipped his coffee while he continued to wait for Cici to show up. Cory was growing more excited with each passing minute, thinking about how he would say hello to her. He talked to himself a bit but laughed because he sounded crazy. He looked at his watch and tapped his fingers on the table. Fifteen minutes later, he grabbed his phone and texted her to find out what was taking her so long. The text sat unsent in his text message folder and he realized Cici had blocked his number.
Cory stared back out of the window, his jaw clenched, and hand in a tight fist around his phone. The same couple he had just seen walked past again. He turned away so he couldn’t see the happy couple since he had just been stood up. Cory looked back down at his phone, glaring at the text message for a minute. He blocked and deleted Cici’s number before he shot off a heated text to his best friend, Tony, to tell him what had happened. Cory grabbed his things and stormed out of the cafe, headed for the pub that was two blocks away. A message on his phone told him that Tony would be there and Cory knew he could count on Tony.