Writing Exercise
Write a story but write it like you are writing a “Choose your own Adventure” style.
Side Note
I LOVED reading Choose Your Own Adventure books while growing up. I even have some from my older brother who didn’t want his anymore as well as a few I had found at a store. They are Goosebumps books and they are some of my favorite. I used my YA story for this one and just had some fun. I actually wrote what would happen with all three paths, so each one will be a different post. Enjoy!
My Writing
Scout stared down at the menu as she sat in the little cafe. She had gone there to do some homework alone and to eat, of course, around noon time that bright Saturday. Her waitress, Jenny, walked over to her table and asked Scout what she would like for lunch.
Scout ordered: A. the soup of the day
Scout ordered: B. the taco salad
Or Scout ordered: C. the cheeseburger and fries

Scout looked up at Jenny. “I’ll have your soup of the day and a Dr. Pepper, please.”
Jenny jotted it down on her pad of paper and headed off to turn in the food ticket and get Scout her drink. Scout pulled out her notebook and math book. She worked a few minutes on her math before Jenny returned with her drink. She continued to work until Jenny came back carrying a bowl of steaming hot tortilla soup and a basket of warm rolls with butter on the side. Scout thanked Jenny and picked up her spoon, eager to try the soup. As she brought it to her lips, the soup sloshed over the side of the spoon and onto her homework. Scout dropped the spoon, causing a bigger mess, and she slammed her hands on the table.
Scout looked around and saw the other patrons staring over at her. She looked at them apologetically and used her napkins to soak up the mess. She grumbled to herself as she saw that her homework was ruined and most of her notebook. She would have to get a new one on the way home and rewrite all the math in the new notebook. Jenny walked over and helped her clean up the rest of the mess.
Scout thanked her and put her stuff back into her bag so she could just eat. She didn’t want to chance making a bigger mess. She ate her food in silence, still annoyed that she had made such a big mess. She finished, paid, and rushed out of the cafe.