Writing Exercise
Write a short story using the ABCs. Start each sentence with the alphabet.
Side Note
I did not use Scout for this one. I created new characters for this one as well. And it was tough! Having to write a story where you can only start each sentence with the ABCs. I am sorry if the story doesn’t make much sense, but this is what I came up with and it was tough.
My Writing
Ally had wondered what it would be like to travel the world. But she wasn’t sure where to begin. California would be cool to see since she lived in Nevada. Disneyland had always been a place she wanted to see and experience. Even though she knew she had to save up the money, she knew she could do it. For the next place, she would travel to Arizona since she wanted to stay close to her home state first. Grandpa had always told Ally to see the world but first stick closer to home.
However, Ally always wanted to travel to Ireland and Scotland. Ireland had so much to offer her since she was mostly Irish. Jack, her twin brother, said he would go to Ireland and Scotland so she wouldn’t go alone. Kirk, Ally’s best friend, told Ally that they should travel together to Greece, where most of his family still lived.
Last year, she and Kirk agreed to go to Greece some day. Maybe this year would be the year they go and see everything Greece offered. Naturally, Ally wanted to learn more about Greece, so after they had agreed, she bought books. Originally, Kirk wanted to take Ally to Japan since they both loved the culture and food, but after he talked to his parents, he learned he was from Greece. Plans were made in the quiet of their favorite coffee shop and ever since, that was all they talked about.
Quarters and other money were put off to the side in an account for their traveling, and both almost had enough. Routes were highlighted on a map after their last meet up so they knew where to go when they eventually could go. Steven, one of Kirk’s cousins who lived in Greece, said that when they were ready for their trip, they could stay with him.
The two best friends had a plan, were saving their money, and were getting excited, but they still needed a passport for traveling. Unfortunately, with work and other life problems, neither had time to get their passport. Valentine’s Day rolled around the following year when nothing happened with their travel plans and Ally’s parents surprised her with a ticket to Greece. With a loud, joyful shriek, Ally hugged her parents and ran off to tell Kirk the great news. Xebecs that they had put together last Valentine, sat on Kirk’s desk when Ally got to there, and a ticket clutched in Kirk’s hand, the two jumping excitedly.
Yawning, the two friends collapsed in exhaustion from their excitement onto his bed and looked over their maps again. Zabaione was served after a celebratory dinner between Kirk and Ally that night and they packed, only having 3 weeks before their adventure in Greece would start.
Word Definitions
Xebecs- a small three- masted Mediterranean sailing ship with lateen and square sails.
Zabaione- an Italian dessert, or sometimes beverage, made with egg yolks, sugar, and sweet wine.