Writing Exercise
Pick a line from your favorite song. How does your character feel about the song? How are they affected by the emotion behind the words of the song?
Side Note
I actually didn’t use any characters. Instead, I will use myself and my husband with this exercise since the song means so much to us and the emotion behind the song makes me cry every time because of how true the words are. The song I have chosen is Bless the Broken Road but Rascal Flatts.
The line I have chosen: Every long lost dream led me to where you are.
My Writing
I sat at my desk and stared at a picture of myself and Ryan. As I picked it up, I smiled and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. I’ve talked to him on the phone and I had emailed him, but I still missed him dearly. Long distance dating wasn’t the easiest, but I was determined to make it work. Ryan was just as determined to make it work.
He was stationed in Florida when we got back together again, but he traveled whenever he could to come see me in California. Then he got the news he would be stationed in Hawaii. But before Ryan moved, he surprised me. He had planned to fly out, having planned it all with my parents, and we were to go to the airport to pick him up. I, of course, knew nothing about this. My parents didn’t tell me anything, and I loved seeing him come down the stairs at the airport instead of my godparents, who at the time had been in Alabama visiting family.
Before I got back with Ryan, I truly thought that no one wanted to be with me. I had started to give up on my dreams of ever finding true love. I thought I would turn into the crazy cat lady, alone for the rest of my life, never having the pleasure of a husband and a family to call my own.
Ryan and I had dated on and off in high school. I had other boyfriends during high school, like literally only 5 other guys, and didn’t date during college except for Ryan. I thought after Ryan and I had broken up our Junior year and went our separate ways, that I would never see him again.
And while looking at my email one day, I saw his email address still in my contacts. I decided to take the change and emailed him to see if my first love still loved me back. I didn’t want to be alone anymore, and I had hoped that Ryan still felt the same way as me.
It was fate that worked in our lives many times. Fate brought us together twice in high school and then again when I saw his email address in my contacts. Fate had brought us back together again, and neither of us was about to let the other go again.
We will celebrate 15 years this September. And yes, we have had our rough patches during our marriage, but I know our love for one another is stronger than any of that.
The song Bless the Broken Road became our song because we had both felt lost, but something pushed us back into each other’s arms. We both knew we were meant to be together, and we would not waste any more time apart. Life and fate showed us time and time again that we were are meant for one another. This song was meant for us and one line didn’t cover it for us. The entire song is for us.