Writing Exercise
Using a dictionary, find three random words. Write a short story using these three words.
Side Note
I know I may get slack for this, but I don’t own a dictionary. I always look things up on my phone now. But I should have one just in case. Not just for me, but also for my girls. So I asked my gamer friend, PreyStalker, and his chat, for three random words. I will use new characters for this writing exercise. I also will write the definitions for each word before the story.
Words and Definitions
Orange- Color or Fruit
Quanked- (UK word) Overpowered by fatigue
Anxiety- Feeling worried or uneasy
My Story
Gracie shoved her long orange dyed hair behind her ear. She hid behind a door and peered out around it. She couldn’t see where the masked man had disappeared, but she knew he was close. Gracie snuck out of her hiding spot and ran for the front door.
She felt her heart racing in her chest and her anxiety went through the roof. Gracie couldn’t wrap her head around who the masked man was or why he was so intent on killing her. Now here she was, trapped in her own home, and doing what she could do to escape alive.
Gracie grabbed the front door handle and turned it just as the masked man grabbed her from behind. She screamed and swatted at the man; her hand making contact.
Gracie sat up in bed, sweat pouring down her forehead and back. It had been a dream. Just a dream. But she hated that dream since she has had it for over a week. The same thing. She was trapped in her house with a masked killer. And she always woke up after she slapped him. And it left her quanked every time she had the nightmare. Gracie didn’t know what it meant, but she was tired of having it so much.
Gracie laid in her bed and let out an inaudible sigh. She closed her eyes and forced her mind to stop racing. Gracie heard a creak close to her bed and opened her eyes to see what was going on.
A flash of silver passed over and her eyes opened wide. A scream escaped her lips for a split second before someone silenced forever her. The last thing she saw was the masked man from her nightmares.