Writing Exercise
Grab 10 flashcards and write down a personality trait on each card. Shuffle them together and then pick 5. the first 5 will be for your new protagonist while the last 5 will be for your new antagonist or love interest for your protagonist.
10 Personality Traits
- Dependable
- Kind
- Trustworthy
- Sneaky
- Spoiled
- Cautious
- Gentle
- Disrespectful
- Bossy
- Funny


Wow, these are some interesting picks for a protagonist and antagonist.
Here is my Protagonist- Ben, black hair, chocolate brown eyes, dark brown skin, 6’0″, 31 years old. He works at the library.
And for my Antagonist- Mira, short wavy blonde hair, cold cobalt eyes, tanned skin, 5’4″ 28 years old. She works at a coffee shop down the street from the library.
I might come back to this one and write them a story. We shall see. For now, this will sit here.