Writing Exercise
Flip a coin and create a short story based on what you get.
My Coin Flip Results

First Round
Heads: Reality
Tails: Fantasy
Second Round
Heads: Adventure Story
Tails: Love Story
Third Round
Heads: Happy Ending
Tails: Sad Ending
My Story
A fairy sat on the riverbank, her crystal blue eyes stare into the rushing water below. Her fingers braided her long navy blue hair as she watched the magical flying fish navigate around the rocks as they swam home. She fluttered her black and ice blue wings behind her when she heard some movement behind her. Hoping it was her human friends coming for a visit, she flew off the rock and called out.
“Darrell? Chad?”
Her eyes opened wide when she saw it was a human but it wasn’t her friends. The human wore all black and grinned cruelly at the fairy before a scarred hand snatched her out of the sky.
A few minutes later after the fairy was snatched away, a steam of purple shot through the air to the river. The light landed on the rock the other fairy had been and another fairy dressed in different shades of purple appeared. She fluttered her lavender wings as she looked around for her friend.
“Sora?” She crossed her arms over her dress made from lilac flowers. “Sora, stop hiding. You told me to meet you here because you had a surprise. So what’s the surprise?” The fairy’s head snapped around when she heard a twig snap. Someone big was coming!
The fairy flew to a nearby bush and blended in with the purple flowers, her boysenberry eyes wide as she watched two humans step out of the forest inches from her bushes. She eyed the two as they looked around the river bank.
“Darrell, do you see her?” the shorter of the two young men asked. His hazel eyes peered around but eh didn’t see what he was looking for. He shoved his fingers through his spiked black hair.
The taller man with short wavy blond hair shook his head as he looked behind a pile of rocks close to the river bank. His olive green eyes squinted as he stood back up and looked across the river. “Nope, Chad, I don’t see Sora anywhere. She told us to meet her here, right?” He looked at his friend who nodded his head.
The fairy covered her mouth when she heard them say her best friend’s name. Without thinking of the danger she could be in, she flew out of the bush and to the humans. “What do you mean Sora told you two to mee her here?”
Chad spun around and nearly fell off the rock he stood on. “Woah! It’s another fairy.”
“We aren’t here to hurt you, I promise. Our fairy friend, Sora, asked is to meet her here,” Darrell said. “She wanted us to meet someone.”
“She told me she had a surprise for me. I never would have guessed that she wanted to me to meet two humans!”
“Yes, Lilac, we are sorry we aren’t what you expected. We’ve been friends with Sora for five years now. I guess she wanted us, her human best friends, to finally meet her fairy best friend,” Chad said with a charming smile.
Lilac stared at the two, not fully convinced that they were Sora’s friends. But since Sora was no where to be seen, she had to trust their word. “When I got here, I didn’t see Sora. And she’s not in the fairy realm.”
Darrell chewed on his lower lips as he looked around again. ‘She does love to hide and then jump out to scare us. But she would have came out by now.”
Chad let out a strangled grunt and leapt off the rock. He hurried over to a tree in the shade where a knife held a piece of parchment to the trunk. He pulled the knife out of the trunk with ease and carried it along with the parchment back to Lilac and Darrell.
Lilac landed on Char’s shoulder while Darrell come up on the other side to read over his best friend’s shoulder. His eyes widen as he read the words out loud to the others. “Darrell and Chad, I knew that the two of you had lied to me over the years. We were best friends! I don’t know why you didn’t trust me enough to meet your fairy friend. Well, I’ve taken her! And if you want to see her again, meet me where we first met. -Fardan”
Chad cursed under his breath and looked at Darrell. “It’s Fardan! I thought we wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore.” There was distinct fear in his voice as he swallowed hard.
“We have to go get Sora,” Lilac said. “And who is this Fardan who took her?”
Chad sighed “Fardan was a friend of ours several years back before we had met Sora. We were best friends as kids, but he was obsessed with finding fairies and other creatures. He was acting crazy, so we stopped hanging out with him when we became teenagers. His family moved away to a town closer to the mountains, and we hadn’t heard from him since.”
Darrell clenched his fists by his side as he stared at the parchment. “We need to go to the cave to get her back.”
Lilac stood up straight. “And I am coming with you.”
Char and Darrell didn’t argue with her. They walked to the trail they had taken to get there and walked as fast as they could to get out of the forest so they could get out of the forest and start their journey.
“We will stop by our homes in town and pack up our sleeping bags, food, and clothes,” Darrell said as they stepped out of the forest.
Lilac blinked a few times, not having realized how close a human town was to the fairy realm. She grabbed onto Chad’s crème colored shirt as the boy’s broke into a run. In no time, Chad and Darrell had gone home, packed, and had met up with Lilac at the edge of town. Lilac had refused to enter the human town.
The sun began to set as the three headed down another trail that Chad had told Lilac would take them to the cave. But he said it would be a two day trip to get there so they would be stopping to camp at night.
Lilac rode on Darrell’s shoulder for a while then flew beside them, anxious to get to the cave to save Sora from this horrible sounding person Fardan. the group came to an old rickety bridge that swayed with the slightest breeze. Chad and Derrell slowly walked across the bridge one at a time while Lilac flew across. She flew beside Darrell, flew back, and flew beside Chad, cheering them on.
The group set up camp after they left the bridge far behind. The wind picked up and Lilac stayed inside the tent so she wouldn’t be blown away. Chad and Darrell cooked their food, ate, and they turned in early since they had planned to wake up early to get back on the trail.
Lilac ate a little from what the boys gave her and found a spot she where she could sleep without the worry she would be crushed by the humans. She tucked herself in a little leaf bed she had made and laid her head down on a flower petal pillow. The night went by uneventful, but no one slept that much because they were too worried about Sora’s safety.
The next morning, chad and Darrell ate a quick breakfast and packed up their things while Lilac flittered around. She wanted to get going and hated that she had to wait for the humans. She could be at the cave faster if they had just tell her where it was but she knew that they wanted to help save her friend too.
The group hiked through a field, up and down a few hills, and crossed over a river. They only stopped to rest, to eat, and to use the restroom a few times. Lilac rode on their shoulders whenever her wings grew tired and she became more appreciative that they were with her. She knew she couldn’t have gone to the cave faster with her little wings. She was just so scared for Sora that she made herself believe she could get to the cave without their help.
They camped that night calm night close to the river, and since the wind was no longer blowing, they stayed close to the fire longer that night. Lilac told the humans about herself while they told her about themselves. They told stories about growing up in their worlds, and Chad told Lilac about the first time they met Sora by the river they had met the day before. Lilac pulled her knees close to her chest as she sat on a smaller rock close to the fire, a smile on her face while Chad told her the story. Her eyes twinkled in the firelight and she yawned.
“We better get to bed,” Darrell said when he saw her yawn. He forced himself to not yawn as well but it was hard not to.
Chad and Darrell stood up while Lilac stretched and flew off the rock. She and Darrell went into the tent while Chad put out the fire. He crawled into the tent, laid down on his sleeping roll, and closed his eyes, listening to the others as they settled for the night.
The night passed uneventfully again and soon the exhausted traveling companions were packed, walking on the trail again. The three reached the bottom of the hill that lead up to the mouth of an ominous cave by high noon. Darrell and Chad were tired and rested for a few moments on a couple of rocks before they started to climb the hill. They hiked up towards the cave but stopped half way when someone walked out of the cave.
A tall man stood in front of them with a grin on his face, a mischievous glint in his aquamarine gaze and his hand behind his back. He glared at Chad and Darrell, not noticing the 6 inch female fairy that hid on Darrell’s shoulder behind his bag’s strap.
“You came. I was kind of hoping that you wouldn’t so I could have kept my prize all to myself,” Fardan said. He pulls his hand out from behind his back and held up a glass jar with the lid on tight. Inside was a little body, two wings laying still on the back.
I enjoyed this fairy story Lacey!
Thank you. So glad you did.