What I Rolled
For this one, you don’t have to choose an object if you rolled an even number or a partner if you rolled an odd number. You roll a dice and whatever number it lands on, you write down a character, an object, and a scenario.
Character- Rolled # 4- President of Lovecraft Fan Club
Object- Rolled # 6- Box of raisins
Scenario- Rolled # 5 Tide rolls in
President- Archie- freckled, 20 year old, red hair, glass green eyes, 5’8″, pale white skin

My Story
The Tide
Archie brushes his fiery red hair out of his glass green eyes as he stares at the book in his hand. He looks at the display and picks a spot near the back for it. He readjusts the Lovecraft book on the display he has created in the bookstore where he works. The owner has given him permission after a month of begging to create this display. Now Archie makes sure the display is perfect. He takes step back and admires his work.
“Not bad, Archie, not bad.”
Archie turns to see his boss and his boss’ wife walk over to see the Lovecraft display. He grins and moves out of the way so they can see it better.
“Do you like it?” Archie asks proudly.
“We love it, but why can’t you take this much pride with the other displays we ask you to make?” his boss’ wife asks, picking up one of the books. “We know you love H. P. Lovecraft and how you are the President of the Lovecraft fan club. But we ask you to please use the same amount of passion in those displays as well.” She looks at Archie, still holding onto the book.
Archie nods and looks at his work. “I promise, Mrs. Collins. I’ll do a better job with the other displays.” He looks at her and then the book. “Would you like me to put the book back for you?”
Mrs. Collins clutches the book closer to her. “I actually have not read this one. I’m going to keep it, I think.”
Archie’s eyes light up. “Mrs. Collins? Are you a fan of H. P. Lovecraft?”
Mr. Collins chuckles and pats the pale white skinned lad on the shoulder. “We both are.”
“That’s wonderful news,” Archie says and he hurries off to grab another copy of the book Mrs. Collins took.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins walk away to open the store while Archie fixes the display. He takes one last look before he heads off to check inventory and places new books on the shelves. Archie hears some customers praising his display, some taking books to buy, and a few make fun of his display. He hears some customers even mock the books and H. P. Lovecraft.
Arche walks around until he sees a group of teens who made of his display. Without anyone noticing, Archie slips his phone out of his pocket and takes pictures of the teens. He also takes pictures of a few adults who made fun of H.P. Lovecraft. Archie sends the pictures of his fan club only stating you know what to do, and gets back to work.
Mr. Collins finds Archie helping someone find a book and asks to see him once he is done. Archie finishes up with the customer and finds the Collins waiting for him in Mr. Collins’ office.
“Shut the door please, Archie,” Mr. Collins says.
Archie looks confused as he shits the door. He faces the two, wondering what is going on, a little nervous.
“Danny and I have been talking,” Mrs. Collins says. “And we have decided to ask you if we could join your fan club.”
Archie’s eyebrows shoot up and he leans back against the door. “You want to join?”
The couple nods eagerly at the 20 year old. Archie holds up a finger and pulls out his phone. “Our fan club isn’t like any other out there. But we have a meeting tonight if you’re willing to give it a shot.” He texts the fan club, telling them about the Collins and how they want to join.
“We will be there. Just tell us when and where,” Mr. Collins says. His excitement cause his voice to go higher.
Archie counts how many people say to let them come, and how many tell Archie no. He grins at the couple. “We will meet at the beach at 7 pm tonight. It’ll be high tide so just be wary of that.” He slips his phone into his pocket and walks out of the office to get back to work.