What is it time for?
It is November 1st, and for some of us writers/authors, we like to take part in a month long writing goal. We, with the help of an amazing website, will sit down and write 50,000 words in 30 days. Whether it is a new novel, an old novel, a bunch of short stories, poetry, editing a project we already finished, whatever the case may be, we have united in the month of November for NaNoWriMo.
What does NaNoWriMo stand for?
This means National Novel Writing Month. They started this back on July 9, 1999. They also have Camp NaNo, which takes place in April and July. I never take part in these because I always forget. I tried this July, but I didn’t finish as I became busy with family and life things. And yes, I forgot about it. I have drilled it in my head about November, but not April and July. You can also donate to this great cause and the money goes to providing materials and help for younger writers. One program they are passionate about is the Young Writers Program.
Who is it for?
NaNoWriMo is for anyone and everyone who has an idea in their head and wants to challenge themselves in writing it. The goal is to hit 50,000 and update your word count every day on their website, but you can, of course, write more than the word count they have given. It doesn’t matter your age to join in. If you have a story, then get writing! Update your word count and allow your buddies to help push you whenever you feel yourself faltering on your path to finish.
If you don’t reach that goal in November, then don’t worry about. Do as much as you can, but never forget to have fun and enjoy your writing. This is supposed to be a fun challenge that will better you and your writing. You’ve got this!
If you reach your goal before or by the last day of the month, you get to print out a certificate that says you won NaNoWriMo. You also get to download banners to place on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, anywhere where you want to sing to the masses that you have won the 30 day writing challenge. You can also purchase a winner’s shirt, proceeds going to help the website and others, and I have to say whoever they use for printing their shirts, the shirts are amazing. They are so soft and comfortable. I wish i had bought them every year I had won, but the ones I have, I cherish deeply. And I wear them to death. Once I can no longer wear them, I am not sure what I will do with them, but there is now way I will ever throw them away.
Day 1
I have been doing this since 2009, though I had to skip a few because of life, but I always put some time aside, mostly at night when my kids are in bed, to write and type up my story to update my word count. I really enjoy taking part in NaNoWriMo for the thrill of the challenge. Also, one of my books I wrote for a past NaNoWriMo, is now published and I can’t wait to have NaNo help me in order to produce more books to publish.
Pahulu Hale – Haunted House is the book I wrote during NaNo 2021. I wrote it, edited it, and now (even with a few mistakes I know of) it is published.
This year I will rewrite a book I actually started writing for Nano back in 2009 and then again in 2017. I have recently found the book and decided that it needs another edit/rewrite, so why not do it during November?
If you are doing NaNoWriMo during this month or any future month, please add me as a buddy. I go as Crazdwriter on there, too. Let’s work together and get you to that word count goal. I am always ready to help so you need it, message me either on here or on the NaNo website. I love helping new writers or writers who have been around the block a few times. So like I said, add me as a buddy for NaNoWriMo- Crazdwriter. I am here to help!
So, today is Day 1. Let’s get writing!
Website for National Novel Writing Month
My Published Book
Pahulu Hale: Haunted House: Gordon, Lacey: 9781957913247: Amazon.com: Books