Goodbye NaNoWriMo
November has come to an end, and that means another NaNoWriMo has ended, too. 2022 NaNoWriMo is in the books. And whether you “won” or not, you did it. You wrote for a month as much as you could and that is a win in my books.
I hope you felt great getting those words for your story out of your imagination and down on paper or saved on your laptop. It always feels great to get your ideas out, doesn’t it? I love when I can get those thoughts out of my head and on paper. That way, my mind is calmer. Of course then other thoughts, ideas, and characters scream for my attention.

It never ends!

But no matter how much you wrote for NaNoWriMo, take a break this month from writing. Put aside that story for a bit and give your mind time to recuperate after being used every single day for a month. Unless you are used to it. Then I say, charge ahead and keep on writing.
But don’t give up! Keep writing that story, poem, whatever it was you were working on for NaNoWriMo. Your stories are important and they need to get out there.
If you “won”, YYYYEEEESSSS!!! You are amazing and you did it! Now it’s time to edit it.
If you didn’t hit 50,000 words, you still are amazing and you still rock since you wrote something. I know life can get in the way and make it hard to keep going. But again DON’T GIVE UP! Keep writing and you will hit your goal by finishing it on your own time. That is all that matters. Writing in a month can be hard.
And whether you won or not, get ready for next year and hit that ground running. Keep doing NaNoWriMo because it is so helpful in the long run. Or if you can’t do it in Novemeber, there is always Camp NaNo in July. Or even do it in a month that isn’t too crazy. I’ve told that to others before because they said that both Novemeber and July are so crazy for them. I said then start in whatever month you can on whatever day you can, and go from there. But just write! Set that goal to at least hit 50,000 in 30 days at least once to say you did it. It is such an amazing feeling when you hit that goal in 30 days.

As for me, Azriel High, my Young Adult Paranormal book, is complete. I finished my book even with a few days I had to stay in bed due to really awful food poisoning. My last word count was 59,980, and I had 220 pages. I feel great about this book, though I know I need to edit it a lot. This is my third time writing this book. The first one I lost. The second one never got finished and again was lost. This one better not run away or get lost. I will cry if it does.
But it is finished and now I can work on editing it and work on my other children’s books for my publisher and for my boss with Reading Gate. And of course, work on my blogs. I feel like a weight has been lifted after I finished my book. This is my third finished book and I can’t wait to spruce it up, make a lot of changes I know it needs, and send it to my publisher to see if she would like to publish it in the future.
Never stop writing. Never stop making art. Just never stop living your dreams!