Book Review
While looking for new prompt books, even though I should have stopped because I have a lot already, I found this book. It’s called Writing Prompts and Exercises by Lisa J Lickel and David J Rank. It had a good price, very low, and some decent reviews, so I gave it a shot.

When I got it in the mail though, I was shocked to see how thin the book really was in person. I was expecting it to be better, but sadly, this book isn’t a good one. Not a lot of prompts in it. But I’m still going to use it. I will post stories written from the prompts in the book and all, but I regret buying it now.

I won’t return it though. I know how hard it is to sell a book and to return a book, even when it isn’t liked, just isn’t right. Like I said, I will use the prompts, but once I have done all of them, I’ll most likely donate it. It was a good start for a prompt bool, and they could have done so much more with it, but as it stands, I’m not impressed sadly.

If you want to check it out yourself, go for it. It might be more to your liking than it was to mine.