I met the author of this informative article through my blog contacts. Jessica Brody emailed me about writing an article for my blog. I was intrigued so I said yes. This article is in her words, and I have to say, she did an amazing job. I really hope you all enjoy reading her work.
You probably started out writing to get things out of your head. But, now, you think you can make a living selling the thoughts swirling through your brain. There’s a good chance you’re right, but you have to get noticed first. Today, Blogging With Crazdwriter shares a few tips for up-and-coming creatives on how to get your stories in front of the people that want to read them.
Start by identifying your niche.
There are many different types of writing. In marketing, you’re taught to create a niche. In other words, you come up with a style and subject matter that you can write about clearly and authoritatively. The same should go for your creative writing endeavors. This could be romance, family matters, Sci-Fi, or professional advice. Whatever your niche, make sure that you know your stuff and, more importantly, that you know who will get the most out of it.
Structure Your Business and write a business plan.
Once your niche is nailed down, you’ll want to legalize and legitimize your operation by first choosing how to structure it. Many startups opt to form an LLC due to its many benefits, including tax advantages, limited liability, less paperwork, and flexibility. You can also outsource this task to an affordable and reputable formation service, which can file your Tennessee LLC in five steps – this assures you that the process will go smoothly and quickly.
Here is another type of writing: a business plan. Your business plan is not like writing a book. Instead, you will use this as a pathway by which to walk toward success. You’ll find that your business plan includes everything from your structure to detailed information on what and where you’ll sell.
Keep a resume.
Like it or not, people want to know that you’re an expert. Make sure that you have a PDF resume available in case someone asks for a rundown of your experience. A PDF resume is also valuable if you decide that you’re going to seek a job as you can use a PDF editor to insert links to your latest literary work and email your accomplishment list to a potential employer.
Launch a blog.
A well-written blog is not only a great way to get your thoughts out into the world, but it can also serve as a place to promote your writing. You can sell ebooks directly from your blog for immediate download and also ask for email addresses so that you can keep your customers in the loop of what’s new.
Self-publishing is no longer taboo or considered a last resort for aspiring authors. Scott Allen of SelfPublishing.com cautions, however, that you want to avoid vanity companies, which are those that simply take your money just for the clout of saying you are a published author. Instead, use a reputable program, such as Kindle Direct, Barnes & Noble, or IngramSpark.
Don’t be shy on social media.
Although you may never wind up making $500,000 per post like Kim Kardashian, an engaged social media following can help you showcase the very best of your work while also opening up the opportunities to be dubbed an influencer as well. Make sure that you are posting routinely on social media and that you engage with your followers.
Acknowledge your insecurities.
One of the most important things you can do when sharing your creative talents with the world is to learn how to get over your insecurities. It’s uncomfortable to share the things that we do well with others as we often fear as though we will come across as gloating or boastful. Trust that you are not, and, as BetterUp suggests, look for ways to help you overcome your personal or professional insecurities so that you can push past your comfort zone and walk directly toward success.
The creative thoughts you have swirling through your brain are not only interesting to you. As a writer or aspiring author, the words that are locked away in your head can help you become financially independent. But there are a few steps that you need to take first. These include writing your business plan and getting over your insecurities.
One last thought: congratulations on taking the first step toward becoming a published author; you’re about to embark on an amazing journey and, hopefully, a brand-new career.
Read more informative articles on Blogging With Crazdwriter today!
Thank you!
Jessica, I want to thank you for taking the time to write such a great article to be posted on my blog. It is chalk full of great information and advice, especially for those looking into writing. I agree on a lot of this, especially the resume part. No matter what, you should be updating your resume or making sure it is still up to par every few months or every year. Your resume can be your lifeline. It helped me gain three amazing freelance writing jobs that I am truly grateful for.
Never be afraid to write what is on your mind. Whether it is fiction or nonfiction, on a topic you’re passionate about or doing reviews on certain items, short stories, novellas, whatever, just write! And a blog, like Jessica said above, is a wonderful way to get your thoughts out there, if you are ready to make the leap for letting the world read them.
I hope you enjoyed the article by Jessica Brody. She did an amazing job. Thank you for taking the time to read it and, again, thank you, Jessica!

If you’d like to read more by Jessice Brody, her website is: