Don’t read if you don’t like cussing.
I stumbled on this adult coloring book one day on Amazon while searching other adult coloring books. I love coloring fantasy, Christmas, Halloween, and a few others since they are relaxing. And since I always enjoyed coloring as a kid, why not getting some fun coloring books? That way my girls, husband, and I can have coloring days/night. We love having our coloring days and nights together.
But when I found a swearing coloring book, I couldn’t help but laugh. I instantly added it my list on Amazon with every intention of buying it eventually. I wouldn’t color and don’t color this one around my girls, but when it’s just me and my hubby, this one gets pulled out and I have a great time.

It’s beautiful, it is about being a writer, and it cusses like a sailor. The backgrounds do take a while to color, but still relaxing and fun. Make it nice and colorful, especially the cuss words.

In one of my groups where we gift each other from lists we make on Amazon, usually it’s Disney but sometimes they go off rails and we get to put up other lists. We were able to put up another list one day and one amazing lady saw it. She gifted me the coloring book without me knowing it.

I was shocked when it came in the mail. Had a cute note telling me to have fun and she was proud of me for sticking with my writing. Makes me heart happy to hear how people are proud of me for writing. And this coloring book is such a fun one to color, curse words and all.

But like I said, if you aren’t into cursing, then this adult coloring book, along with many others by the one who created this, won’t be for you.

They have so many great ones and they make great gifts. You’ll have to check them out yourself. The ones who publish them are called Coloring Crew. If you have someone special in your life who loves cussing, loves coloring, and loves having fun, then definitely check out this page and see all of their coloring books.
Here is the link for the book I was gifted.
Here is the link to their Amazin page.