Big Announcement

My second book, and my first children’s book, is now available on Amazon. I still can’t believe it, but I held it in my hand and everything. I even got a copy for my girls, and they were so excited when I handed them the book. Nothing feels better than when your husband, your kids, and even your parents tell you how proud they are of you. I was grinning from ear to ear and beaming when our children jumped up and down and ran off with my book. I had to call them back just to get pictures of them. Then our oldest, Kierra, sat down and read it to herself. I couldn’t help but nearly cry.

Roodi to the Rescue is a book about a rooster who lives on the farm Storybook. He is watching his friends the ducks, and his hens when danger comes. He has to be brave in order to save his friends and hens from the big, bad hawk. Can Roodi stop the hawk? Is he brave enough?

I hope you’ll grab yourself a copy and read it to your kids, nieces, nephews, or give it as a gift to your friends with kids. Maybe even buy the book and donate it a library or school. That would make me feel so amazing to know that my book is being read in schools or is sitting in a library for kids to grab and check out to take home. Both would be a dream come true. My biggest dream has already came true-being published. Now to see my books in stores, schools, and libraries, is my next big dream, and my next goal.

I am so happy that this book has finally been published and ready to be enjoyed by all. Not just the story written by me, but also the cute illustrations by Stacy Brevard-Mays. I can’t wait to write more books for this series, as this is just first in the Storybook Farms series.

I also have a little story for you about Roodi. Roodi is based off one of our roosters who gave his life for his hens, ducks, and guinea fowls. Our rooster was named Maui, but I felt a new name was in order because of Disney and all that. I didn’t want to take the chances of them trying to sue me or anything even though I am not sure if they own the name Maui or not.
But Roodi is a Rhode Island Red rooster and very brave, just like our rooster. Except that Roodi will live to tell the tale and to go on to be in more of the Storybook Farm series.

So please, pick up a copy and enjoy!
I liked reading all about Roodi! Very cute children’s story Lacey.
Thank you. I wanted to tell about my poor Maui and how he was the inspiration. Have to remember my sweet rooster.