Writing Exercise
Take 3 online quizzes and answer them like your character. Write a scenario as your character taking the quizzes and try to show their personalities through the quizzes.
Side Note
Before I write a short story, I will post the answers for each quiz on the internet. I will answer these quizzes as my teenager, Scout. I have to say that a lot of the quizzes these days are not that interesting. But I found 3 that I could do for this one.
Quiz Results as Scout
First quiz- Are you girlfriend material?

Second Quiz- Which teenage celebrity are you?

Third Quiz- What’s your Hogwarts house?

My Writing
Scout clicked around on her laptop, bored. She had finished her homework and didn’t want to go to bed just yet. She had even finished reading a book and didn’t want to start a new one yet, but she wanted to do something. Scout texted Jennifer to see if she wanted to get online and play a game or something.
Scout waited a few minutes, but Jennifer never texted her back. That meant Jennifer was asleep, reading, or studying, and she wouldn’t want to play a game.
Scout texted Katlyn to see if her other best friend was busy. She got a text back, but Katlyn said she had too much homework so she couldn’t play any games.
“Sorry, Scout,” Katlyn texted. “Why not play a game by yourself? Or I can send you the links to a few quizzes and you can answer the ones I had.”
Scout thought about it for a second, wondering if she really wanted to take online quizzes. She shrugged and texted Katlyn back. “All right, send me the links and I will take them. That way, we can compare our answers.”
Katlyn sent the links in a text before she went quiet again so she could finish her homework. Scout clicked on the first link and read the questions slowly before she decided what to click on. She had always wondered if she would make a good girlfriend. She was so wrapped up in her studies and training, but she also wanted to go out on dates like a normal girl does. And there is one boy at her school she would like to go out with.
She shook her head and clicked on her answers, biting her lower lip when her score popped up. Scout read the score and what it meant according to whoever wrote this quiz.
“Yea, I am shy when it comes to boys, but I definitely want to date and see what it’s like,” she muttered to herself as she took a screenshot of her score and what it meant.
Scout moved on tot he second one just for fun and answered to see what celebrity she would be. She laughed when she got her answer and took a screenshot. She then looked online to see who exactly her celebrity twin was since she hadn’t heard of her before.
The last link she clicked on, Scout was excited about because she had loved the Harry Potter books. She had never found out what house she was in, so she was curious to know. She answered the questions quickly to get to her house.
“Yes!” She liked the answer she had gotten and she sort of knew she would be in the Gryffindor house, but now it was confirmed according to that quiz.
She took another screenshot so she could send it to Katlyn in the morning. Scout yawned widely and locked her phone. She sat it down on her nightstand, got dressed in her pajamas, and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She thought about the quizzes and thought she would look up more tomorrow since she had so much fun with these ones. Scout finished her teeth, gargled with mouthwash, and crawled under the covers on her bed. She laid her head down on her pillow and feel asleep, having some whacky dream that she wrote online quizzes for her future job.