A country song has been playing quite a bit on the radio and it’s a great song. It’s called Heaven by Kane Brown and it this beautiful song talking about how people are in a rush to get to heaven because it’ll be amazing and all that but he has found himself a woman he calls his angel right here on Earth and he would rather stay with her. Like I said it’s a great song and it has me wondering about the future and the afterlife. This song and going to the thrift shops where you see old pictures of people who have lived years ago.
Ryan and I went to the thrift shops looking for a Halloween costume for myself and for our youngest daughter who will be 3 months old for her first Halloween. But as we looked around, we noticed a lot of items from the past including old photograph of people. I turned to look at Ryan and asked him if this is what will happen to all of our family photos and our other items in the future once we are gone, if all of our things will be in thrift shops like these items. He truthfully told me that it could be a huge possibility and that made me quite sad and wonder if we are wasting all our time and money on photos.
So all of this and watching those who are older passing and even those who are our age or younger passing away has e seriously wondering and questioning what is to come. I believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, and Hell but I also believe in an afterlife where there are spirits or ghosts who stay on Earth as I myself have experienced the paranormal side. And questions are now flowing through my mind where I have no answers. What will happen to us? I mean what really happens to us when we die? Do we stay on Earth as ghosts if we wish? Or do we pass through a white light and go to Heaven where we exist as we did on Earth where we can see one another and touch one another? Or will we just be a floating ball of energy while in Heaven or stuck on Earth in that form watching our loved ones as they grow up? Do we just simply not exist once we die and our souls go poof?
Yes I have heard that there are books about what some have seen once they had died and came back and no I have yet to read any but I doubt that will answer my questions fully. I might give some of those books a look at to ease my mind and these questions but I know that I will still be wondering and a part of me will still be curious as well as a bit afraid of what is to come when it’s my turn to die.
I don’t know what will happen or what to think will happen to us once we pass on but I have been thinking about it for quite some time now and would love to hear what others believe or think will happen to us once we are gone. Do you have any theories you’d like to share? If you do, please comment and let me know. I would love to read them and maybe it’ll help quiet my own wondering mind.

How sad! I hope my family pictures never end up in a thrift store. I suppose this could happen if the pictures are passed down and the next receiver has no idea who is in the pictures or why they’re important. My mom always labeled the back of pictures with names and a date so we have info. about them. I’ve been doing this with pictures I print as well.
So far my boys love looking at family pictures, so hopefully they’ll treasure them as much as I do and hold onto them!
Yea I think about it any time we go into antique stores and I see a stack of old pictures. And then I think about my parents and other family members who we have sent a lot of pictures to and how they are getting up there in age. It is a really sad thought.
And yea I need to make an album for the girls with their pictures as they grow up. I have mine and my brother I think has his that my mom put together. I will make sure to label them with dates and names too so the girls know who is in the pictures beside themselves.