Bighearted Butterscotch
Coffee Review
As most people have done because of the beautifully written Harry Potter series, my husband and I took the test to find out which school House we would be placed in if we went to Hogwarts. My husband would be in Slytherin and I would be in Hufflepuff. My oldest daughter took a quiz too and was placed in Slytherin with my husband but we have to wait until our youngest can talk and understand better before she can place her in her HP house.
Why am I bringing up the series? Because Expedition Roasters has four themed coffees for each house. And of course, I had to buy the one that represented Slytherin and the one that represented Hufflepuff.
Bighearted Butterscotch is the themed coffee for Hufflepuff and it was sweet and buttery and definitely not as bitter as most coffees. This coffee quickly became a favorite for both my husband and myself, and he actually liked it better than the Slytherin themed coffee. I like both but that is just me.

As I have said, this coffee isn’t as bitter as usual which makes me enjoy it even more with or without my cream and sugar. So if there are any Hufflepuff’s out there looking for a good coffee to enjoy in the morning or any time really, then below is the link for the coffee. On my list, this coffee sits at number 3 out of the 9 we have tried and I reward them 20 points for the Hufflepuff House.
I have not yet tried the coffees for Gryffindor or Ravenclaw but I will also include links to their coffees too in case you are interested in them.