Book Review
I haven’t read an adult book in so long I was afraid that I never would. I have two little girls who love for me to read to them so I still read a lot like I used to, except that it is all children’s books. But while on Twitter, I have met a lot of great Indie Authors and have promised myself that I will read more adult books, as I have a lot of unread books on my bookshelf. But I have also promised myself to start buying more Indie books to show my support to my fellow authors who have decided to self publish their books instead of going the traditional way. One day I may be an Indie author and would love support from others who are willing to buy my book and read the stories that I have created.
Well, one of the books I stumbled upon is called Tell Me Every Lie, a mystery/thriller written by an author I have the pleasure of chatting with daily through Twitter, P. J. Stanely. A creative, funny author and human being, this man has created a book that I could NOT put down. I had saved it to my Wish List on Amazon to buy when I can which I still might do so I have the book in hand as well but I won a giveaway and soon I was staring down at my Amazon Kindle app on my phone with Tell Me Every Lie staring up at me, begging for me to read it.

I actually found time to myself here and there where I could read uninterrupted even with a house with two little girls and a military husband working from home. But I did it and literally in only 4 days, I read this amazing book that kept me on the edge of my seat. Twists and turns that will make you wonder if you are following the story right or if you missed something. I thought I knew what was going to happen but I was wrong.
The main character is one who I feel is relatable to all the mothers out there who have children. Strong, stubborn, and ready to fight for her child, Emily has gone through a lot when it comes to her daughter, Blair. Without giving away too much so you will go and read it yourself, Emily made up her mind, played with the devil, and showed the world how strong she can be when it comes to protecting her daughter.
The obstacles she has to face makes me question myself and how I can be strong if that ever happened to me. I could never or so I think but if faced with either of my daughters going missing I think I could push myself like Emily did and save my girls no matter the cost in the end.
P.J. has pushed a mother to almost the brink of insanity but he shows you that love for your children, or any loved one for that matter, can be the key to surviving and pushing your way to help your loved one as well as to get justice.
If you are a lover of mysteries and thrillers that take you for a ride, then this is the book for you. Seriously a roller coaster of emotions ranging from happiness to anger to sadness to almost every emotion imaginable. I really truly loved this book and am so happy that I won the free Kindle giveaway. I will cherish the book and read it again. Might even talk my husband into reading it if he can find the time.
But I definitely urge you to read this book. And hey it might not be your cup of tea but at least you not only read a mystery/thriller and gave it a go but you are also supporting a self-published author who I believe deserves it. All authors whether self-published or traditionally published deserve our support. So please go to the link below and whether you buy the kindle version or the paperback, enjoy a nail-biting thriller. Oh and make sure you are ready for the emotions that will hit you like a wall of bricks.

Sounds like an interesting book! I find that I don’t give myself time to read many adult books either like I used to do before having kids. I definitely need to give myself some “me” time this summer to read some of the books I have sitting around waiting to be read. I bought a bunch of books at our library’s book sale last spring when they were 25 cents each and maybe read 1 of them so far. I definitely need to make taking care of myself more of a priority!
Hahaha, I feel you here, Sarah. I have so many books that I need to read and feel like I have no time. I have to make time. I also have two other books I am reading on Kindle and a paperback book from authors I have met on Twitter that I need to read. So many great books and so little time. I hope you and the family are well. I still miss seeing you every day and chatting with you.