Adult Coloring Book Review
I am in now way an amazing coloring person but I do love a good adult coloring book. I have several, and yes you will be seeing their reviews here as time goes on. The one I am reviewing today is a fun Halloween coloring book made by Jasmine Becket-Griffith. Her artwork is phenomenal!

So when I found her artwork where YOU get to color it in, i knew that I needed to get one and check it out. Plus my older brother, Chris, had given me am Amazon gift card for my birthday a few years back. So coloring pencils and the Halloween Coloring Book went into my cart. A few days later, I got my package and was super excited.

I have colored a few pages but need to get back into coloring them more because they bring me so much enjoyment. Picking my colors and changing them to be mine is a lot of fun. And the pages are so much fun. Plus, they give a little information and a title for each on the other page.

Jasmine did such a great job recreating her drawings for her fans to color. I definitely want to get more of her coloring books but at this point, I need to finish coloring several in before I buy anymore. I have several saved to my Amazon account for the future, too.

Below is the link for this book. This is great for anyone who wants to color, even 7 year olds, as I have let my daughter color one in here though I don’t have a picture of it, sorry. But it makes a great gift for yourself or for someone else who likes relaxing by coloring. Enjoy!
Also, make sure that you click on her name and check out her other coloring books. Like I said, she has quite a few great coloring books based off her art work.