540 Prompts in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery and Thriller, Horror and Suspense, and Memoir Writing
Book Review
This one is definitely one of my favorites favorites. It has a lot of great ideas and prompts within its pages. And it isn’t just for one genre. I mean they even have a section for writing memoirs. I have not written any memoirs before but I will for sure try the memoir writing prompts in this book one day.
I do want to write my own nonfiction novel so this will be a step in the right direction. I will give me good practice using these prompts eventually. And I have used this book before. I love it!
And I mean come on, the cover, both front and back, has a Typewriter on it. I am a sucker for a typewriter. I have two myself. One that is like the one on the cover, an antique old fashioned typewriter. It does work but I won’t use it. And I also have an electric typewriter that I do plan to use eventually.

BUT… BUT this is a prompt book like no other I have seen so far. It doesn’t give you a journal part to the book after each prompt like a few I had reviewed did. This one is pretty unique. And by that, I mean how they give you the prompts and they give you different timings to finish your prompt writing.

Above is a picture of what to read before you start writing on your prompts. I actually do not follow this rule but I might try it eventually to see what it’s like to follow the author’s instructions. But for now I write it my way.
Here is another picture of some prompts with the time circles under each one.

I will be writing short stories for each genre category and posting them on my blog eventually. So keep an eye out for those. I will always put the prompt book I got the idea from and the prompt itself before I copy my story on here. That way everyone knows where I got it from and what the prompt it was.
Need a gift idea for yourself or for someone else, then here is the link to this book. Totally worth it in my opinion. And like I said, the author wrote it in a unique way. So you can either follow their rules, or break the rules and just write. Have fun!