Writing Exercise
Your character is going on vacation, and you need to pack their bags.
My Writing
Scout is traveling to Hawaii with her parents for the month of July.
She packs 1 towel, 2 bathing suits, a bathing suit cover, 4 short sleeve shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of jeans, 4 bras, a light jacket, 1 pair of hiking boots, 10 pairs of underwear and socks, a pair of sandals, her sundry bag, and a hairbrush. She also hides a few weapons in a secret compartment in her luggage that will go undetected by the security. Scout never leaves home without a few knives, just in case.
She plans to wear a pair of sneakers, a pair of shorts, a short-sleeve shirt on the plane.
In her carry on, she packs a couple of books, a few magazines, a couple notebooks and packs of pens, 2 word search books, and her camera. She also slips in a few pictures into her bag. One of her best friends Jennifer and Katlyn, one of her entire class, a silly picture of Mrs. White, Mr. Powers, and Officer Higgins, one of her family together, and one of her family with Jennifer’s family and Katlyn’s family. She looks at them for a minute longer before she puts her pictures safely inside her bag.
She doesn’t pack too much in her big luggage because the hotel they are staying at has a laundry room in their suite. Plus, she wants room in her bag for more clothes she plans to buy while visiting Hawaii. She also plans to buy some gifts for her best friends, Jennifer and Katlyn, and their families since they are like Scout’s second and third family.