Has it really been 6 years?
I decided to start blogging as an outlet for my imagination and self. An escape for myself that eventually turned into an escape for my readers. I needed a place to throw out my ideas whether fiction or nonfiction. Especially while I was writing my books, but my mind wouldn’t be quiet.

6 years ago, I signed up for my first blogging website on WordPress and posted my first blog.
Now 6 years later, I now own my blogging website and have posted 481, soon 482 blogs. I have published two books, one a horror paranormal and one a children’s book that I am proud of. Even though my first books still have mistakes, and I am getting it re-edited, I am still proud of it. Pahulu Hale will soon be relaunched with a new cover as well.
I will be publishing more books eventually, but while I write and edit them, I will have this space, my safe space to post reviews, short fiction stories, and other nonfiction topics. Keep a look out for more new blogs soon.
To those who started with me 6 years ago, thank you for your support. Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs, comment, or like them. Please, do comment. It makes me know you’re enjoying them or actually reading them.
To any new readers, welcome to the journey, my journey. I hope you enjoy what you read, and I hope you’ll take the time to go back and read my other blogs. It’ll mean a lot to me.

So, to the past 6 years, woo-hoo! I did it! We did it!
I cannot wait to continue my blogging journey and hope to blog well on in my senior years.
Again, thank you for being a part of my writing journey. It has been an amazing journey even with the changes in my life and my family’s life, good and bad.
Below I will leave the links to my two books, Pahulu Hale that you can still purchase now, (or wait for the relaunch) and Roodi to the Rescue.
Happy 6-year Blogging Anniversary to me!
My Published Books
Amazon.com: Pahulu Hale: Haunted House eBook : Gordon, Lacey: Kindle Store
Pahulu Hale: Haunted House: Gordon, Lacey: 9781957913247: Amazon.com: Books