Another fun guy has said yes to being in my blog. I am so happy that these streamers are allowing me to interview them and then blogging about them.
- What is your Twitch name? My twitch name is NOVAlyzr
- Is there a special reason you chose that name? When I created my name, I wanted it to be something that I could search on Google and get 0 results on. I wanted a name that I could grow from the ground up and make it my own. The word itself doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a combination of the word ‘nova’ and ‘analyzer’ smashed together to form NOVAlyzr. Now every time I google my name, I can see how my new persona has developed online.
- Why did you become a Twitch Streamer? I became a streamer because I was a huge fan of YouTubers. I’ve always wanted to try to make my own YouTube videos and see if people would like them. I finally started stream during the summer when I was between classes as a challenge to myself to see how far I could go. I wanted to grow something from nothing, as well as finally putting myself out there and trying something I’ve always wanted to do.
- Why did you choose to stream for Twitch? I joined twitch because in my opinion I found it easier than YouTube. Originally, I had planned to start on YouTube but I was also always putting myself off from it. I wasn’t very confident in my video editing skills and still wasn’t sure of what my videos were going to be about. What really got me connected to twitch was a YouTube channel called Wanderbots. During the summer, I found his Let’s Play of Dragon Quest Builders and even though I would never get the chance of playing the game (I don’t own a ps4) I still loved every one of his videos. When I finally got caught up on his series I ended up looking through his bio to learn a little more about him and found he had a twitch channel. At the time, I knew little to nothing about what twitch was other than people live streaming games. Browsing through his profile I was surprised to see he had multiple 8-hour video recordings of Dragon Quest Builders that have not even been posted to YouTube yet. I spent the next 2 days watching the recordings until I saw it all. The 2 days after that I started focusing on my own Twitch channel. If I could watch someone streaming for 8 hours straight with no video editing and just playing random game then I could do the same thing. I had all the basic things for any stream: OBS, Webcam, Mic, and computer. All I needed to do now was start.
- How long have you been a streamer? I have been streaming on twitch for 10 months.
- Do you only stream or do you have another job? If you are comfortable in telling my readers, what is your other job? I’m currently not working. I focus on twitch as a hobby as I go through college full-time.
- What are your favorite games to play? My favorite game to play right now are Zelda: BotW, Splatoon 2, Overwatch, any Pokémon games, and Minecraft.
- What are your favorite games to stream? My favorite games to stream are OSU, Jackbox, Astroneer, Overwatch, and Minecraft.
- Do you have any games that you would like to recommend to my readers to play and why? I’d recommend the first two games I started my stream with: Don’t Starve and Stardew Valley. These games are great for low standard computers and laptops that don’t require a whole lot to run and supply endless hours of fun and challenges for players.
- Was it hard to talk to your viewers when you first became a streamer? How long before you became at ease with streaming? It’s been a long while since then but I don’t think it was difficult for me to talk to my viewers, I was a little bit nervous at the beginning for sure but the hardest part of starting out was trying to fill in the empty noise of just me playing a game. Doing commentary to only yourself at the start was a weird learning curve. I felt like it started getting easy for me after 4 months for sure. It took time and I really had to put myself out there to show people what I could do.
- Would you like to tell my readers anything else about yourself or your channel on Twitch? Hi! My name is NOVAlyzr! I am 21 yrs old. I love anime, terrible gamer, favorite color is red, currently juggling streaming with college but I still manage to fit streaming in every week! If anyone stops into my stream I hope you enjoy!
His streams are always fun to chat in or lurk if that is more your thing. Look him up at
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