I had the privilege of being put in touch with a woman who runs her own business, selling some pretty cool products that I am sure most of my readers know about- Perfectly Posh! From what I gather Perfectly Posh is all about you you you, pamper yourself, and definitely big in taking care of yourself. The company wants to help you unwind and definitely do self care. And here is an awesome Perfectly Posh consultant that you can talk to about buying their products and even if you want to jump into having your own business selling Perfectly Posh, she is the person to talk to and get started with her help.

- What is your name and occupation?
My name is April Duarte. I’m a Perfectly Posh Independent Beauty Consultant.

2. What is Perfectly Posh and what do you sell?
Perfectly Posh is direct sales company that sells natural based beauty products. We also have started to sell make up and CBD oil.
3. Do you have a website for my readers so they may see what products you sell?
Yes the link to my website is Http://aprillovesspiderman.po.sh
4. Can they contact you through this website in case they either wish to order, book a party, or talk to you about becoming a consultant themselves?
I can not be contacted through the site but I’m happy to respond through emails – Spideylover25@gmail.com
My facebook group is April’s posh con VIPs ( look for the spiderman pic)
After some correspondence with customers i give out my number so I can be reached via text. I’m also on Instagram spideylover25 is my name.
5. How long have you sold Perfectly Posh?
I’ve been selling posh since oct 2007.
6. Why did you wish to become apart of the ever growing Perfectly Posh family?
In 2013, I had miscarried a baby. After the experience I was invited to a FB group for other women who lost their babies as well. Through this group I became good friends with a girl named Krysty. She began selling posh and sent me samples. I fell in love but wasn’t sold on trying to sell but i needed to come up with a way to make some extra money. So I finally took Krysty up on joining her team. Best decision ever! I not only have fun doing this, but I also learned a lot more about my skin. I take better care of myself. I also love to help my friends and other I meet do the same.

7. Do you just sell Perfectly Posh or do you have another job?
I do have another job. I’m a mother of four children. Three boys 18,16,13 and one girl 4. I also work as a medication nurse at a psych hospital. If that wasn’t enough I also am in college taking my pre recs for the RN program. So I live a very busy life.
8. Can those interested request samples of any of the products?
Yes I can provide samples of certain products I have.

9. Do you provide in house parties or are all of the parties done online? Are the online parties only through Facebook?
I do in home parties, small consultations, I also do facebook parties. I can do a theme for any occasion. Bridal, baby shower, girls night, spa night. There are other ways to do online parties that I’m investigating.
10. Are there any special training that you needed to do in order to sell Perfectly Posh?
No special training is needed but when you join you not only have a helpful upline to help you but posh offers plenty of training you can access in your virtual office.
11. What states can you ship to? What countries can you ship to?
Currently only the USA.
12. Does your website show the products that are available with or without pictures? Do they show the prices beside each product as well?
Our website shows pictures, explains uses, ingredients, and price.
13. Do you carry products for both men and women?
We have products for both men and women.
14. Any products made for children or is it mostly for adults?
Most of our products are great for the whole family. My teens and my daughter use all the bath and face products. Especially our body butters and lotions.
15. What are some of the easiest and toughest issues that come up as a Perfectly Posh Consultant?
The easiest thing is sharing the product. The toughest issues is keeping enough samples on hand.
16. What are a few of your favorite products that you yourself use or have used in the past?
My favorite hand cremes were paper moon(retired) and social butterfly. My favorite body oil that retired was you apricaught me. My current favorite products are also Ice Queen gelatin free peeling face mask. I also love the body butter mad for magnesium (lavender).

17. Do you have anything else you’d love to share about yourself and your Perfectly Posh business?
I’m always accepting new group members in my Facebook group April’s posh con VIPs. In my group, I combine my love of all things nerdy and beauty fun. I do live reviews, contest, other members review products, nerd trivia, prizes. I also am always looking for more teammates to join me on my journey. I’ve meat some great friends and enjoy the sister ship here with posh. Feel free to email me with any questions. The best part about this business is being able to do things with my family. I not only earn money to use for school, groceries, gas, but i was also able to fund Disneyland trips.

Convinced Yet?
Still not sure about buying Perfectly Posh? Don’t worry! Like April said, she is more than willing to send out samples to let you try before you buy. I myself have tried a few samples for facial creams and I have to say that I enjoyed the smells and how they made my face feel after using it but sadly I don’t remember what the products were called. I have yet to make my first purchase but I probably will in the near future so that I can take better care of my poor dry face. But as I said here is an awesome consultant who can answer any questions you might have for Perfectly Posh, their products, or even if you’d like to become a consultant yourself. So do not be afraid! Her website and her email are above. Click on the website and begin shopping or click on her email address and email her with any questions you might have for her. Also follow her on Instagram to follow her and her cute daughter on their journey with the Posh family.
Not only is April my best friend but ive booked parties with her for posh and I also use some of the products. I use cackle spackle which is a wonderful pore shrinking clay mask and I’m a huge fan of the body butters. They smell amazing and last a long time leaving your skin silky smooth and so soft. I highly reccomend getting in touch with April to learn more 😍