I am a huge lover of horror, whether movies, games, or books, and that is my favorite genre to write. I don’t find many who love horror so when I ran across this lovely lady on Mixer and then when she moved to Twitch once Mixer shut down; I knew I was home. She is not only fun to watch and hang out with in the stream, but she is so down to earth, so welcoming, and such an amazing person who I can’t sing her praises enough. She calls her chat the Horde, and I am so proud to be a part of the Horde. If you love horror, then this streamer is your gal.
And she doesn’t just play horror games, but that is her favorite I can tell you that one already . She also does tarot readings for individuals who play stream cards, and she also does tarot readings for the entire horde at the beginning of her streams. And I have to say that the readings are amazing and really does make you think about your life and all on the different paths you can take. We also chat about horror movies and even she will bring someone from the horror world in for an interview and to talk with all of us.
But enough of me telling you what she does and about her stream, let me introduce you to this magnificent streamer.
1. What is your Twitch name?
2. Is there a special reason you chose that name?
I love the film called Re-Animator from 1985.
3. Why did you become a Twitch streamer?
I was watching some people on Twitch back in 2016 and thought it looked like a fun time. So I tried it out. At first I did not like it because some people were mean. Then I moved on over to Beam and fell in love with it.
4. Why did you choose to stream on Twitch and not another streaming platform?
Mixer the platform that I was on closed down and I did not like Facebook Gaming. I also asked the Horde (my community) where they wanted to go, and Twitch was what they said over YouTube and FBG.
5. How long have you been a streamer?
4 years February 14, 2017.
6. Do you only stream or do you have another job? If you are comfortable in telling my readers, what is your other job?
As of right now, I have been blessed by amazing Horde Members that want to support me so I can do this as a living. Before June 2019, I worked a full-time job.
7. What are your favorite games to play?
I really love Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th and currently enjoying Phasmophobia.
8. What are your favorite games to stream? Do you only stream games or do you stream anything else?
I enjoy streaming Phasmophobia. I do a Web Show called Coffee Chat of Horrors where we discuss Horror films on Sunday’s and that is by far my favourite day to stream!! I love doing CCoH.
9. Do you have any games you would recommend my readers to play, and why?
I would recommend Friday the 13th, Phasmophobia. F13 is a ton of fun with friends, even though the game is not going anywhere. Phasmo is a great time if you like ghost hunting.
10. Was it hard to talk to your viewers when you first became a streamer? How long before you became at ease with streaming?
Yes, it was super hard and awkward to talk to viewers who were not there. We all start off with zero viewers and to keep a convo with yourself is quite hard. I was about a year into streaming when I have become a bit more comfy with it. As of right now I am very comfy, I do get a little nervous here and there but I gather that is just normal.
11. Would you like to tell my readers anything else about yourself or about your Twitch channel?
I LOVE Horror! I live and breath it. I love bringing horror and sharing my passions with other like-minded individuals. So if you like the dark & the macabre I am your girl!
12. What are the links for your Twitch channel and any other channel you would love my readers to know or follow?
Twitch.tv/ReAnimateHer and you can find me on Instragram.com/ReAnimateHer and Youtube.com/ReAnimateHer
Again, she is an amazing streamer, mom, wife, and friend, someone you can count on to make you laugh and just make you feel amazing even if you are having a hard time with something in your life. She is always there for you and is like the Mamma Bear of the Horde. And the Horde is just as amazing and as welcoming as RAH herself. They are all types of awesomeness that make you feel like you are a part of one huge crazy horror loving family and it is amazing. I have truly found my people, and I couldn’t be more excited to be with them whenever RAH is streaming.
RAH forgot to mention that she also has a store where she sells some incredible merchandise, which I have bought two shirts for myself and can’t wait to buy more in the future. Here is the link to take a gander at her shop.

So, if you love horror games, horror movies, tarot readings, and just a bunch of crazy fun, then come join the Horde and the magnificent Queen of Horror, ReAnimateHer. You will not be disappointed!
Omg thank you so much!! What a wonderful write up. I need to update this account haha
I am glad you like it. Thank you again for allowing me to interview you.