This and the following blogs are from the book I reviewed a few days ago called 366 Daily Writing Exercises To Help Motivate You Creatively by Christina Escamilla. I have challenged myself to write every day. Of course, right now I am trying to catch up, but boy, is it hard. I am almost there, though. But I took a break and start posting the ones I have done already. So how this will go is I will paraphrase each exercise and then type up my writing for that exercise. I highly recommend buying this book and challenge yourself, along with quite a few other books written by Christina.
So here we go!

January 1, 2022- Exercise
Write your younger self a letter with advice, encouragement, or anything else you’d like to tell yourself.
My Letter to Myself
Dear Lacey,
I know it’s hard to keep writing, but you need to keep going. You can do it! Just take one story at a time and finish the one you’ve already started. You love to write and enjoy it, so do it. Stop making up excuses as to why you can’t write.
You can raise your girls, you can take care of the house and do the laundry, you can take care of Ryan and help him when he needs it, you can take care of the 2 cats, 23 hens, 2 roosters, 6 ducks, and help with Hugo, Ryan’s service dog. But the most important thing you CAN do is write your books! Most important thing you should do is keep writing.
You are amazing and you can do anything. Don’t give up!
And don’t let the girls give up on their dreams, either. Help them achieve their goals like you are doing. Always show them support in whatever they choose to do in their lives because they are your everything. You’ve got this with Ryan’s help and the girls’ help when they want to help. Write, write, and write some more, but never give up. Reach for those goals of getting published and never let go.
Love always,
Lacey from the future
I believe you are a good writer. Your sentences here are coherent and to the point. I don’t know if you’ve gone back to re-edit or not. Anyway, practice makes us better. And I’m envious of all of those chickens! I only have two, that I got from a dear friend who moved (she lives in the city of Texarkana and truly didn’t need them in the small area she had them in) I moved to East Texas six years ago and used to have chickens back in Central Texas. A small flock, but they were so entertaining, and when we moved here, I gave them to my son-in-laws parents (big chicken coop and six hens). I was so sad and my hubby had a very small shed here. So he kept saying, now, when I build my big man-shed, then we can turn this little one into a chicken coop. Six years in, that hasn’t happened yet, but my friend moved and gave me two chicken coups, the kind you get at Home Depo or Tractor supply, and the two hens. We put them inside our dog kennel, next to his little shed. But I finally have chickens!! LOL. They squawk and make a racket when they see me. One lets me pet her while the other doesn’t quite trust me yet. I totally enjoy them and maybe this spring, we will add to it. My hubby may get his big man-shed built this year. His father passed away after Christmas and left him a little money. So now he can build it and perhaps we can expand my little chicken coup. We’ll see. Anyway, enough about me. I saw these little daily writings and thought I’d read them, to encourage you along.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my work. And aaaawww I love my brood of chickens and 2 roosters. I am glad you were able to get a couple yourself. And hopefully you’ll be able to get more. And I hope you come back and tell me if you were able to expand your coup.