Chapter 4
Steven lowers his hands. He looks around to see the wind is no longer blowing. The screaming has gone quiet and heaviness falls on his shoulders. Steven staggers to his feet, looking around. The crypts still surround him, but there are no sounds, not even the sounds of the night. His ears throb from the silence. Steven turns, his shoe hitting something. He reaches down and grabs whatever it is, hoping it’s the loot and the keys.
Lifting the item close, since it is so dark, and he gags when he sees a skeleton hand. Steven chucks it away from him, wiping his hands on his jeans. He can’t shake the cold boney feeling of the hand in his. Something grabs his ankle and to his horror, the skeleton hand has grabbed on him. He kicks it off and runs, leaving the keys and bag behind. He rushes out from between some crypts into the rest of the cemetery, screaming.
Steven finds the front gate open and rushes out, seeing the church beyond that. The lights are still on. He remembers Father Miles talking about a night mass, so he has to be in there. Steven nearly falls when he escapes the cemetery. Running up the stone steps, he hears voices inside.
Steven bursts through the doors. “Father Miles, please forgive me.” He skids to a stop when he sees Father Miles talking to Trisha. “Trisha?”
Father Miles slowly turns to look at Steven. The priest is missing a hand, half of his skull, has a gaping hole in his side, and a crushed leg. Trisha turns as well, but her entire face is missing, has no left leg, and both arms and chest are completely crushed.
Steven turns to the side and throws up. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. The sour taste in his mouth makes his eyes water. He stares at the gory sight in front of him. Steven turns when the door opens behind him and more squeamish gore walk inside. Steven screams as dead patrons of Holy Trinity Church walk past him and take their seats in the pews.
Steven turns to run outside, but he freezes when a loud creaking sound reaches him. He turns to see the front of the church collapses on top of Father Miles and Trisha and those in the front three pews. His jaw drops when more of the church collapses. Now those around him are screaming as they watch family and friends are crushed to death. Steven doesn’t wait any longer, and he makes his way towards the door. Before he can grab the doorknob, the church crumbles to the ground.