Where My Love for the Paranormal Began
I have always heard the stories about The Queen Mary. How there were deaths aboard. How it was used during WWII. How it was a passenger ship turned war ship. So much information about it that I knew I had to one day stay there and see her beauty in person. And I hoped to have my own experiences, my own paranormal experiences.
Very First Paranormal Experience
I had an experience when I was a kid, a short experience where I had felt a hand on my shoulder when no one was next to me during my Tata’s funeral. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but now I understand that my Tata was saying one last goodbye to me. I felt honored that he had placed a hand on my shoulder and said goodbye one last time. But like I said, I was young. I didn’t understand it back then as I do now.
Back to The Queen Mary
Now back to The Queen Mary. My parents made a reservation for my mom, myself, and one friend to stay the night in the floating hotel. My dad stayed home since we had a dog, Buffy, at the time. Plus, he isn’t the biggest fan of anything haunted.
I called up my friend, Lani, and asked her if she would like to go with us. She said yes, and we were off with my mom to stay on one of most beautiful ships frozen in time. I asked my mom when we had gone, and she just texted me. We had stayed on The Queen Mary on August 20, 2003. She even found the room we had been in, room B470. I couldn’t remember and had asked her. At first, she couldn’t remember, but I think she looked up the information for me for this blog. Way to go, mom!
When you first get there, you walk up and take a picture in front of a fun ship background. I have it somewhere. And then you go inside and instantly, The Queen Mary’s beauty surrounds you. The outside was impressive, but the inside is just breathtaking. Like I said before, a ship frozen in time.

After we got settled in our room, we went to walk around the ship, read the fascinating history, and check out every nook and cranny visitors are allowed to see. A beautiful sunny day, walking around with my mom and one of my best friends, and the lady herself under my feet, I was truly excited to be there.
We wandered around, took one of the tours they provide, and listened to the stories about who had died, where, and when. There was one other tour that we wanted to take, but we didn’t until the next day. On the tour we took that first day on the ship, we found out about the lady in white who is said to be attached to a piano that sits in the A Deck lobby bar. She wanders the halls, A Deck lobby, and a few other places. They think she was a nurse, always in white.
Excuse the Interruption
Now, there is something I need to tell you about myself before we go on about my experiences. You see, I have been wearing glasses since I was 4 years old. My eyesight is so bad I am legally blind without my glasses or contacts. To see anything, it literally has to be a few inches in front of my nose. If my glasses are off or my contacts out, I only see blur. Another way to say I’m blind, my left contact is at -9.5 while my right is at -10.0 and -10.0 is the highest they go. So blind as a bat is what I am.
Voices- visitors or ghosts?
While we were searching the ship during the day after the tour, Lani and I stumbled upon some stairs that led down to the psych ward. I am not saying that what we heard were ghosts or not, but no one had gone down there when we were by the stairs. And no one came up while we were still there. What we heard was a bunch of voices talking at the bottom of the stairs. Lani and I couldn’t hear what was being said, but it was still nerve-wracking.
Before Bed
Before we went to bed, Lani and I decided to walk around the ship. We just meandered around the hallways. All of their hallways are long, scary, exciting, and beautiful. We wanted to see if we could hear anything weird or see anything, but we didn’t.
That was until we walked past the lobby desk where we had checked in hours before. There was a woman asking for the staff to please tell whoever was in the room next to them to be quiet. They had tried knocking on the door, but no one had answered. The man behind the desk, said that they would send security there, but no one was checked in that room. Lani and I glanced at each other and scurried off once we had heard what the room number was. This was our chance.
We made it to the room before the security and we were excited. I remember my heart beating fast with excitement and fear. We didn’t know what was going to happen or what to expect. We walked closer to the door, and just as we got almost in front of it, we heard banging going on inside. Lani and I looked at each other in shock.
We couldn’t stay long because the security guard came to make sure no one was in the room. But we did hang out in another hallway that across from the room where the guard couldn’t see us. We listened and heard him knock on the door. Then heard him call out to whoever was banging around in the room. He never got an answer. He opened the door, went inside, and came back out a few minutes later.
The room was completely empty!
Lani and I hurried back to our room to tell my mom what had happened. And to get to bed since it was getting late.
Dream or Sleep Paralysis?
We all got ready and went to bed. I had taken my contacts out, wore my glasses, then placed my glasses on the table next to me. My mom turned off the lights and we were ready to sleep. Lani and I shared a bed that was closest to the window and my mom slept in the bed on the other side, closest to the door. We got settled in, but it took a while for us to fall asleep, at least for Lani and me, because were still excited.
That night I had one of my usual dreams. I was dreaming I was in a hall or some big building where my family and I were enjoying some food together with other families when some guys come barging in to kidnap us or something. I became some warrior and was fighting them off. As I ran through a door in my dream, things shifted and changed.
Soon I found myself in bed, staring at the ceiling in our room on The Queen Mary. Everything was blurry like when I am awake. I could turn my head and I saw a blurry Lani sleeping next to me and the blurry outline of my mom in the other bed. Thinking I must have woken up because I needed to use the restroom, I tried to get up. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t move at all.
Anxious and Scared
I heard what sounded like our room door opening, and I froze. I couldn’t close my eyes; I couldn’t move my body. The only thing I could move was my head. So even though I was terrified, I turned my head to see what was happening. Well, to see what I could with my blurry vision.
Through the blackness of the room, and with my blurry vision, I spotted someone moving towards my side of the bed. I sucked in my breath and tried to call out. Scream, kick, anything, but I was completely frozen. I remember thinking to myself that this had to still be a dream.
I was wrong, dead wrong. No pun intended.
The person continued to walk towards my side of the bed and from what I could see, the person was wearing white. I turned my head once the figure had reached my side to stare up at them. While I was lying there, the person put their hand on my chest and held me down even though I couldn’t move if I had wanted to. That was when it clicked. The person in white who was holding me down was the infamous lady in white.
I tried to call out again and even tried to talk to her, but I couldn’t. I stared up at her blurry figure and watched as she moved closer to me.
She was bending down, getting closer and closer, all the while laughing. It wasn’t a nice laugh nor was it evil. It was a laugh that still haunts me today that I can still hear in my head from time to time.
As she got closer to me, I watched as her face melted away until she was inches from my face. Her skin was gone and all that I saw staring at me was her skull. I can still see it as if it was happening at this very minute while I am sharing this.
I was terrified. She stayed like that for I don’t know how long. Just staring into my eyes with empty sockets and laughing. She finally let me go and backed up until I couldn’t see her anymore in the darkness. I let out a scared breath and tried to move again.
This time I could move, and I sat straight up in bed, grabbed my glasses, and looked around. She was still laughing! I could hear her still in the room, so I looked towards the foot of the bed, and there she was. She was walking towards the bedroom door. I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell out, but I had lost my voice it seemed.
She glanced back a few times, still laughing, but her pretty face was back. She left the room. I didn’t hear the door this time. But I remembered seeing her melt through the door.
I thought I wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep after that out of fear she would come back. I know I fell asleep, and she never came back. But when I woke up, my heart was still racing, and I still heard her laughing. I even felt her hand still on my chest.
Woke Something Up Inside of Me
After that day and night, I was forever changed. I was scared of what had happened, but I was intrigued, too. And no, I devour books on paranormal stories like mine. I also love reading paranormal fiction books. I watch YouTube videos that are based around the paranormal.
I have been on an investigation with another friend of mine, and experienced shadows, voices caught on the recorder, cold spells close to where I was, and feeling like I was being watched. It was nerve-wracking, but also thrilling. I knew that they weren’t there to hurt us, only to communicate with us.
I have stayed at other haunted places where nothing happened, but it isn’t guaranteed something happens every time.
Even though it takes my breath away, I still enjoy being close to places that are considered haunted. My husband and I have done a haunted tour while stationed in California, too, down in Old Town.
And because of my experiences, especially the one on The Queen Mary, I love to write paranormal books. My first book, Pahulu Hale- Haunted House, has paranormal scary elements. And not only did I love writing it, but I am also proud of my book.
I can’t wait to write more paranormal books. I even just had a thought while writing this blog. Maybe I will contact The Queen Mary and ask them if I could use my experience in a book based on The Queen Mary. If not, then I can use my experience on another ship that isn’t The Queen Mary since it is still my frightening experience.
But this is what happened to me when I stayed on The Queen Mary. You can believe me or not, but I know what I saw, heard, and felt. What happened to me will stay with me forever. The sight of her face melting away, seeing her skull, feeling her hand on my chest holding me down, and her laughter.
It is with me forever.

Loved your story. Keep ‘‘em coming!
Thanks, mom. And thanks for helping remember when we went and stayed there.